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BK:00026 PG <br />It was mentioned that GIS staff need to be given more educational /advancement opportunities <br />so they can do more with the upcoming fracking issues. It was noted that GIS Director Don Kovasckitz <br />had trained State staff and surrounding county staff on GIS updates in the past several months. <br />Parks and Recreation development was the next item discussed by the sub - committee. Mayor <br />Chet Mann discussed the recent $2 million bond referendum passed by the voters for Parks & <br />Recreation Development. Mr. Mann stated his "vision" was to develop /construct a 21s' Century Sports <br />Complex that will help develop O. T. Sloan Park. The recent City sidewalk bond will help with installing <br />sidewalks from the Civic Center and Lee Senior High School to the O. T. Sloan Park and surrounding <br />hotels. The need for more soccer fields was also discussed. There is available land at the Park that is <br />not being used and it is felt that through public - private investment the Park could be expanded. This <br />would help bring more economic development projects to help Lee County citizens and bring people to <br />the City- County for weekend sports events. It was noted that a feasibility study needs to be completed <br />and will cost approximately $54,000. Mr. Mann asked the Committee to discuss with their Boards the <br />adoption of the concept so the project could move forward. It was later agreed that the Parks & <br />Recreation Commission needed to review the plan before going to the Commissioners and City <br />Council. <br />Water and sewer extension in the unincorporated areas of the County were discussed. County <br />Manager John Crumpton stated the County spent $1.6 million on a lift station in the northern part of the <br />county that is not being used and they are looking to the City to see what they might do to help expand <br />water services to more parts of the county especially at the Lee County Industrial Park. The County has <br />secured a grant for improvements to Clyde Rhyne Road to make the area more appealing to <br />companies looking to come to the area. The water /sewer would help bring more businesses to the <br />Industrial Park. New businesses looking to build in the Industrial Park would need water /sewer within <br />12- months after agreeing to build in that area. City representatives stated they would consider the <br />request. <br />It was agreed that plans needed to begin soon for the updated 20/20 Land Use Plan. City <br />Manager Hal Hegwer stated the City would review. <br />Commissioner Kirk Smith asked the City to consider passing a Resolution to name the 421 By- <br />Pass from US #1 north to the Cumnock Exit in memory of Donald (Don) Buie. The County has already <br />approved and submitted a Resolution to the Department of Transportation but all entities within the <br />County must also pass Resolutions. <br />Commissioner Smith stated the Young Commissioners Leadership Program will begin on July <br />28th and go through August 8t New members will be presented to the City Council along with <br />Commissioners. <br />It was also noted that Crisis Intervention Training for law enforcement officials would be offered <br />at the Central Carolina Emergency Training Center on July 21 -25th. Law enforcement personnel are <br />encouraged to attend. <br />With no further business to come before the sub - committee, the meeting adjourned at 2:07 p.m. <br />Re"tfully Submitte <br />Gaynell M. Lee, Clerk <br />Lee County Board of i <br />1 v k NORTH CAROUN& <br />T �Presented for registration hisda <br />".� of - 20. at M <br />s ''y� k . Y <br />INoIINA. E�- bZ.`n_Page ,' o <br />RO&W of Deed@ <br />