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BK:00026 PG:0430 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />JOINT MEETING OF THE <br />SUB - COMMITTEE TO STUDY <br />INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS AND OTHER ITEMS OF INTERST BETWEEN THE <br />COUNTY OF LEE AND CITY OF SANFORD <br />APRIL 21, 2014 <br />The joint- sub - committee appointed to study interlocal agreements and others items of interest <br />between the County of Lee and the City of Sanford met at 11:30 a.m., April 21, 2014, in the West End <br />Conference Room, Sanford City Hall, 225 Weatherspoon Street, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. <br />Commissioner appointed members present were Amy M. Dalrymple, Kirk D. Smith, and James K. <br />Womack. County staff in attendance included County Manager John Crumpton, Assistant County <br />Manager /Finance Director Lisa Minter, Law Clerk Kerry Schmid, MPA Intern Michael James, and Clerk <br />to the Board Gaynell Lee. <br />Mayor Chet Mann called the joint sub - committee meeting to order. <br />The first item discussed was the joint Community Development/Economic Development Facility. <br />With several City and County departments, along with the Chamber of Commerce and Economic <br />Development merging, a location to house all departments has been in the making for almost a year. <br />Three vacant buildings have been toured and are up for consideration. At one time it was decided up to <br />25,000 square feet would be needed to house the 35 -40 staff which will make up these departments. It <br />has now been decided, by City staff, that 14,000 square feet should be sufficient. It was agreed that it <br />will be more productive with everyone being located in one location and will be a "top notch" addition for <br />Sanford -Lee County. The three locations toured were the old Buggy Factory located on Chatham <br />Street, the old Belk Building located on Steele Street, and the old Food Lion building located on North <br />Horner Blvd. Commissioner Womack stated he wanted to make sure all three buildings were on the <br />same page. He further requested that the owners of the three buildings be contacted and asked for <br />proposals for up -fit, lease options, and price per square foot within the next 30 days. <br />The sub - committee discussed the transition to Public /Private Partnership for Economic <br />Development — Partnership for Prosperity. It was noted several applications had been received for the <br />Executive Director's position and it has been narrowed down to nine applicants. Mayor Chet Mann <br />stated to date $400,000 in pledges have been received by the first four contributors to the new <br />Public /Private Partnership. He anticipates there being no problem with obtaining the remaining <br />required goal of $900,000. <br />County Manager John Crumpton gave an update on the Clyde Rhyne Road paving project. It is <br />hopeful that the project will begin in the next few weeks. <br />The sub - committee discussed the review process for filling the vacant Sanford -Lee County <br />Economic Development Director position vacated by Bob Bridwell. It was stated that Assistant <br />Community Development Director Marshal Downey began the Interim position effective today. At this <br />time it was noted the Community Development Department would be left as is. <br />