BOOK 8 , F 58
<br />discussion, Commissioner Dotterer,' moved the appoirifinent of the following
<br />persons as members of the Task Force on the study of Juvenile Delinquency:
<br />Mrs, Elizabeth Shaban, Mr. Tommy Mullis, Reverend Ed Gunter, Reverend
<br />Joe Morgan, Dr. Mary Margaret McLeod, Mr. James,Coates,. Mr, Bob
<br />Carpenter, Mr. Rockne Horton, Reverend R. L. Goode;'Mrs., Sylvia Watson;
<br />and Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, as an ex-officio member. Commissioner
<br />Hal L,' Hancock seconded the motion and upon a vote, it was carried unanimously.
<br />Mr. James Coates, Director of Social Services, appeared before
<br />the Board, and requested transfer of the sum of $400. 00 from the Food Stamp
<br />account to the account for Office Supplies. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker
<br />moved that the Board approve the inter-fund transfer of $400. 00 from the Food
<br />Stamp Account to the Account for Office Supplies within the Social Services Budget.
<br />Commissioner William H. Cooper seconded the motion and upon a vote, Messrs.
<br />Cooper, Dotterer,, Hancock, F. Wicker and G. Wicker all voted for it and no
<br />one voted against it.
<br />The Chairman advised the Board that the Bi-Centennial Committee
<br />had requested an additional $620, 00 and reported this would be the final
<br />appropriation for this activity. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker'moved that
<br />the Board appropriate the sum of $620. 00 from the Unappropriated Surplus in the
<br />General Fund to the Bi-Centennial Committee. Commissioner William H. Cooper
<br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted.
<br />Mr. Neill McKay Ross, attorney, of Lillington, North Carolina,
<br />appeared before the Board on behalf of Mrs. Shirley Lynch, with respect to the
<br />County's ordinance regulating Massage Parlors. Mr. Ross requested that the
<br />closing hours be extended until.a later tune. There was an extended discussion .
<br />between Mr. Ross and the members of the Board. No formal action was taken.
<br />Sheriff D. F. Holder appeared before the Board and requested
<br />that the Board consider including in next year's budget a sum' sufficient to
<br />enable him to apply for an LEA Grant to increase the matron service available
<br />at the Lee County Jail. Commissioner Dotterer moved that the Board agree to
<br />provide the funds for such a purpose in its forthcoming budget and.that the
<br />Sheriff be authorized and directed to make application for the Grant. Commiss-
<br />ioner William H. Cooper seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously
<br />adopted.
<br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that the Board proceed
<br />to hold a public to hold a public hearing on the Community Development
<br />Program. Commissioner Hal L. Hancock seconded the motion and upon a vote
<br />it was unanimously adopted. Chairman Gordon.A.. Wicker announced that the
<br />floor was open for all interested persons to express themselves concerning the
<br />Community Development Program and recognized Mr, Elwin Buchanan, the
<br />Director, who spoke briefly. No one appeared or requested to be heard and upon
<br />motion of Commissioner Hal L. Hancock, duly seconded by Commissioner
<br />Franklin D. Wicker, the public hearing was closed, by motion unanimously
<br />adopted.
<br />The Chairman brought to the attention of the Board the request
<br />made .by the Central Carolina Technical Institute Board_ of Trustees for funds
<br />to repair the Adult Education Center on Nash Street. Commissioner Dotterer
<br />moved that the Board.of Trustees of the Central Carolina Technical Institute
<br />be authorized to undertake repairs at the Adult Education Center in an amount
<br />not to exceed $10,000. 00 and that the sum' be'appropriated from the Emergency
<br />and Contingency Fund for such purpose. Commissioner, Hal L,'Hancock second-
<br />ed the motion and.upon a vote,, Commissioners Cooper, Dotterer,' Hancock, -
<br />F. Wicker and G. Wicker, all voted for the motion and no one voted against it..
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