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~cK 1 PAGE F g ar 8 5. <br />Section A - General Requirements <br />1. Any new mobile home park shall be a minimum of five (5) acres in <br />size. <br />2. The transfer of title of a mobile home space or spaces eithei by <br />sale or by any other manner shall be prohibited within a mobile <br />home park as long as the mobile home park is in operation. .I <br />3. No living compartment or structure other than a Florida Room, or <br />other prefabricated structure specifically designed for mobile <br />home use shall be erected unless a building permit is first ob- <br />tained. Porches covered with a roof and open on three (3) sides <br />may be permitted if yard space requirements of this ordinance are <br />not violated. <br />4. Mobile home park identification signsshall not exceed thirty-two <br />(32) square feet in area. Only indirect, nonflashing lighting <br />shall be used for illumination. Signs shall not exceed twelve <br />(12) feet in height. <br />5. The planning board may require that the owner of the park shall <br />provide and maintain a five (5) foot wide buffer strip along any or <br />all boundaries of the mobile home park planted with living evergreen <br />trees or shrubbery, or solid fencing at least five (5) feet_in <br />height. Such buffer shall be planted in such a'manner as to be <br />harmonious with the landscaping and uses of adjacent properties . <br />and in keeping with the general character of the surrounding <br />neighborhood. Such buffer shall be subject to approval of the <br />planning board. <br />6. Within a mobile home park, one mobile home may be an ad- ` <br />ministrative office. <br />7. Convenience establishments of a commercial nature shall be limited <br />to food stores, coin operated laundries and beauty parlors and <br />barber shops. These may be permitted in mobile homeparks subject. <br />to the following restrictions: <br />a. Such establishments shall be subordinate to the resieential <br />use and character of the park; <br />b. Such establishment shall present no visible evidence of <br />their co•merc=al c.^.aracter from any portion of any r°_s'den- <br />tlal ..iS =riC= oliCSide the par's; <br />C. Such establisn_ents shall be designed to serve the trade and <br />service needs of the park residents only; <br />_d. Such establishments shall be subject to planning board <br />,approval. <br />-10- 7 <br />