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t <br />0 <br />3. That if the subgrant is made, the.Applicant shall provide or make <br />arrangements to provide, a local cash matching contribution in the <br />amount of $20. 00, and a lo, cal. in..kind_matching contribution valued <br />under LEAA guidelines at (or proprotionately reduced <br />local matching contributions if the subgrant amount is reduced) as <br />required by the Act to defray the. cost of the project. <br />4. That the Project Director designated in the application form shall <br />furnish or make arrangements for other.appropriate persons to furnish <br />such information, data, documents and reports pertaining to the project,. <br />if approved,, as may be required by the Division of Law and Order. <br />5. That certified copies ,of this resolution be included as part of the <br />application referenced above. <br />6.' That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. <br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancoc k seconded the motion and upon a vote, <br />Commissioner- Cooper, Dotterer, Hancock,. F. Wicker and G.~ Wicker all voted for it and <br />no one voted against it. . <br />. The Chairman had the Clerk read to the Board, a letter received from <br />Mr. John Berndt, -pertaining to the designation of the Building Inspector as Mobile Home <br />Enforcement Officer, and suggested that the enforcement of the Act be deferred until <br />July 1 St. <br />The Board discussed the recommendation about-postponing the effective- <br />ness of the Mobile Home Ordinance and decided to leave the Ordinance in full force and <br />effect. <br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancock moved the-adoption of the following resol- <br />ution: <br />WHEREAS, the Lee County Board of Comm- <br />issioners has adopted a Mobile Home and Mobile Homeā€¢Park <br />Ordinance, to become effective'March 15, 1976, and <br />WHEREAS said ordinance requires the Lee County <br />Board of Commissioners to appoint a person or persons to enforce <br />the provision of that ordinance, and <br />WHEREAS, the office of building inspector has prev- <br />iously been established,'. and the holder of this officeis responsible for <br />the administration of such construction codes as have been adopted by <br />the county, and the holder of this position is, due to the nature of the <br />office, aware of such development in thecounty as falls subject to the <br />Mobile Home and Mobile Home Park Ordinance, <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED <br />That the occupant of the office of building inspector <br />shall ex officio hold the office of mobile home and mobile home park <br />ordinance enforcement officer; that said official shall have and exer- <br />cise all the powers and duties required of him by said ordinance, and <br />that he may appoint and delegate authority to such members of his 'staff <br />as seems fitting for the proper and efficient enforcement of'said <br />ordinance. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote <br />it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Tommy Black, an Alderman of the City of Sanford, Mr. Bruce <br />Thomas, Chairman of the Sanford Airport Commission, Mr. Jim Lawrence, Vice- <br />Chairman of the Sanford Airport Commission, and Mr. John Robert Ogburn, Operator <br />