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( pole Pad G /4 <br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancock moved that the sum'of'$2, 000. 00 <br />be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund for the <br />County's matching fund part in Title X program in Lyons Bottom. Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker'seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, Messrs. <br />Dotterer, Hancock, F. Wicker-and G. Wicker all voted for the motion and no one <br />voted against it. <br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancock moved that the sum of $1, 000. 00 <br />be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund for the <br />purchase of a dump truck from the State of North Carolina, for use,in the Title <br />X project in Lyons Bottom'. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the <br />motion and upon a roll call vote, Messrs. Dotterer, Hancock, F. Wicker and <br />G. Wicker, all voted for the motion and no one voted against it. <br />The bill of Williams & Works, in the amount of $850. 00, for <br />preparation of the school's application for' clean water funds to assist in the cons- <br />truction of the sewer line to the iew school sites. Commissioner Dotterer moved <br />that the sum of $850. 00, be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the' <br />General Fund to the Schools for the payment of said bill with said funds to be <br />refunded to the County from Bond proceeds when realized. Commissioner Hal <br />L. Hancock seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, Messrs.-Dotterer, <br />Hancock, F. Wicker and G. Wicker all voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />Representatives of Williams & Works reported on the various <br />applications for grants which the County has pending. <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan,, Director, reviewed the Community <br />Development projects . <br />Reverend Ed Gunter, Mr. Ray West, Mr. Darrell Beverly, <br />Mrs. Betty Curtis, Mrs. Susan Middleton and Mr. Jim Matthews, appeared before <br />the Board concerning the rehabilitation program for alcoholics being carried out in <br />Lee County. There.was an extensive discussion concerning the program being <br />carried on by. the Exodus House and its need for financial assistance. Reverend <br />Gunter also reported ona site which the Exodus House thought would be available <br />and usable as a site to carry on their rehabilitation program. The County <br />attorney was instructed to work with Reverend Gunter in ascertaining the status <br />of this site and its availability and to report back their findings for the consideration <br />ofthe Board. <br />The monthly bills as listed by the County Finance Officer were <br />approved for payment, upon motion of Commissioner Dotterer, duly seconded by <br />Commissioner Hancock, which motion was unanimously adopted. <br />Chairman Wicker reported on the changes in the regulation of <br />sewerage disposal systems and how it would affect septic tank systems used in <br />many parts of the County. <br />The minutes of the meeting held on March 15,• 1976, were approved <br />upon motion of Commissioner Dotte'rer, seconded by Commissioner Franklin D:. <br />Wicker, which motion was unanaimously adopted. <br />Mr. Nathan Crissman, the Tax Collector;jappeared before the <br />Board and requested funds for additional postage and for the purchase of an <br />adding-machine. Upon motion of Commissioner Franklin D..Wicker` duly seconded <br />by Commissioner Hal L. Hancock, it was RESOLVED to appropriate -the sum of <br />$665. 00, from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund to the Fund for the <br />