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, <br />t' x 6 <br />6~0 <br />.Y <br />. <br />it was unanimously RESOLVED to declare the week of May 2nd through the 9th, <br />as Senior~Citizens Week in Lee County. <br />The Chairman presented a copy of a resolution adopted by the City of <br />Sanford, authorizing the transfer-of one-half interest in the Airport property to <br />Lee County. The resolution was turned over to the County Attorney who was <br />instructed to contact the City Attorney relative to a joint resolution establishing <br />a joint City-County Airport Commission. <br />A letter advising about the availability of grants for rural fire departments <br />was referred to Mr. Elwin Buchanan, the County's Grants Administrator. <br />The minutes of the meeting of April . 5,. 1976, were approved and ordered <br />recorded, upon motion of Commissioner Dotterer, duly seconded by Commissioner., <br />Franklin D. Wicker, which motion was unanimously. adopted. <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan,, Community Development,Director,' and. Mr. <br />Darrell Mullins, of Williams & Works, appeared before the Board and reviewed <br />the plans for the Broadway Community Center, <br />There being no further 'business to come before the session, it was <br />adjourned sine die. <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNT <br />Presented for registration on the. .`` <br />of_._ 19A_ at .....~1`. .M, <br />recorded in 8 ok......Q..O .4/P..,/y.... <br />Pattle W, McGilvary, Register of Deeds <br />