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BLUE 'i/ i1~i;r <br />The written report of Nathan Crissman, Tax Collector, showing his collections <br />through the month of April, was presented to the Board. <br />Board, <br />The written report of the Agricultural Extension Service was presented to the <br />Mr. James Coats, Director of Social Services, appeared before the Board and <br />presented the Budget Request. The request was reviewed and discussed and reduced <br />by $10,000.00 to a total request of $417,000.00, and that figure was approved upon <br />motion of Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, seconded by Commissioner *John E. <br />Dotterer, which motion was unanimously adopted, <br />Mrs. Beatrice Fields and Mr. Tom Haislip, members of, the Lee County <br />Personnel Board, and Ms. Mary Ann Current, member of the State Personnel Depart- <br />ment, appeared before the Board and presented an amended-Personnel Plan for <br />consideration by the Board. The amendments provided fora change in the vacations, <br />unlimited accumulation of sick leave, automatic retirement at 65, and elimination of <br />the 60 day employment period for injured employees. Commissioner Dotterer moved* <br />that the Personnel Plan, as presented, be adopted,, except that Section 4, 'which pro- <br />vided for retirement of employees at the age of 65 be amended to allow for annual <br />extensions of employment for employees over 65 up to the age of 70, where such,' <br />continued employment is recommended by the employee's supervisor and approved <br />by the Board of Commissioners, and this Personnel Plan shall be effective from and <br />after July 1st, 1976. Before other action could be taken on the motion, the Commiss- <br />ioners retired from the meeting to conduct their session 'as the Board of Equalization <br />and Review. Following completion of their work as a Board of Equalization and Review, <br />the meeting re-convened and the Chairman relinquished the Chair to Commissioner <br />Dotterer who was appointed Chairman Protem, and Chairman Wicker seconded the <br />motion to,amend the Personnel Plan. Upon a vote, the motion carried by a vote of <br />two to one. <br />Mrs. Beatrice Fields, County Finance Officer, appeared before the Board and <br />requested consideration of the change of classification of an employee in her office. <br />After discussion, Commissioner Dotterer moved that the position presently occupied <br />by Mrs. Patsy Rogers from an accounting clerk 3 to an accounting clerk 4, and that <br />this change be July 1, 1976. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker second- <br />ed the motion and upon a vote, it was unanimously adopted.' <br />The Planned Use Report on Revenue Sharing was discussed but,no formal <br />action was taken at this meeting, <br />"The Clerk read a letter from Mr. George Little, Secretary of Natural and <br />Economic Resources concerning the establishment of a County Industral'and Pollution <br />Control Facility Financing Authority, as provided by the Revenue Bond Act recently <br />approved bythe voters of the State. <br />The Chairman brought up for discussion,. appointments which will need to be <br />made in the near future. <br />The monthly bills as listed by the County Finance-Officer were approved for <br />payment upon motion of Commissioner Dotterer, duly seconded by Commissioner <br />Wicker and unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />Commissioner Dotterer moved that the sum of $2, 450. 00 be appropriated <br />from the unappropriated surplus in the General fund to the Maintenance Fund for <br />the purpose of installing pipe in the ditch behind the jail and County Maintenance <br />Building. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote, <br />Commissioner Dotterer, Franklin Wicker and Gordon A. Wicker all voted for it and <br />no one voted against it. <br />