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WHEREAS, the highest standards of instruction, <br />conduct and ideals have been exemplified by the said Administrat- <br />ors and Faculty of our School System; and <br />E, WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Lee County <br />Board of Commissioners to' officially express their appreciation for <br />such splendid services rendered. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: <br />1, That the Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />do hereby express, their deep'' appreciation to the Admiriistrators and <br />Faculty of the Sanford-Lee County School"System: <br />2, That Tuesday, May',18,11976, 'be. and the same <br />is hereby officially declared to be "Teacher Appreciation Day" in <br />the County of Lee. <br />3. That this Resolution be made a part of the <br />official Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for the County of <br />Lee and that copies thereof be:.forwarded to,the Superintendent of <br />the Sanford-Lee County School System and4o the news media. <br />Commissioner Ha1'L, Hancock-seconded the motion and. upon a• vote, <br />it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved the adoption of the follow- <br />ing resolution with respect to the agreement between the County and the Seaboard <br />Coast Line Railroad about the fence between the Senior Citizens Facility and the <br />Seaboard Coast Line tracks: <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF <br />COUNTY •COMMISSIONERS. OF THE COUNTY OF LEE, <br />NORTH CAROLINA, in regular meeting assembled that the <br />Chairman of said Board be, and he hereby is, authorized to enter <br />into an.agreement with the SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD <br />COMPANY, and to sign same on behalf of said County, whereby <br />said Railroad Company leases and demises unto said County <br />certain land owned by said Railroad Company at Sanford, North <br />Carolina, for beautification purposes; as particularly described <br />in said agreement to which reference is hereby made, which <br />agreement is dated February 4, 1976, a copy of which agreement <br />is filed with the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Cooper seconded the motion and upon a vote it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />Williams & Works, presented a sketch of a proposed stand for the <br />housing of the -Courthouse bell on the lawn of the Courthouse. After discussion, <br />upon motion of Commissioner William H. Cooper, which motion was duly seconded <br />by Commissioner Hal L. Hancock and unanimously adopted upon a vote, it was <br />RESOLVED to approve the plans and to authorize the County Maintenance Crews <br />to do the work to place the bell in the structure on the Courthouse lawn. <br />Commissioner Dotterer mentioned that he wanted the Exodus <br />House to provide an option in favor of the County for its 'site in return for the <br />County's support of the Rehabilitation Program.. <br />