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<br />0 <br />F,fd <br />The Chairman read a letter advising the Board that the former <br />Triangle Commission on.Criminal Justice had merged with the Triangle J Council'. <br />of Goverment. As a_ result of the merger, the by=laws had been changed and each <br />unit of Government is entitled to appoint a representative to the Board. <br />The Board designated Commissioner-Franklin D; Wicker to'serve as <br />its representative on the Board of Triangle Committee on Criminal Justice. <br />The Clerk read the. report on the Secondary Road Construction Fund <br />.allocation for the 1976-1977 fiscal'year and it provides that Lee County will receive <br />$69,'500. 00 for secondary road construction allocation which will enable something <br />less than two miles to be paved.. <br />The Board took note of the establishment of the construction of the <br />fence at the, Jonesboro Library and -expressed its appreciation to Mr-.'.!Hugh- B:rewe'r; " <br />Superintendent' of Buildings and4 Grounds, for the fine job. <br />'Commissioner Cooper .reported that a. ceremony had been planned fo'r the; <br />afternoon of July 4th when they would ring the Courthouse.'bell in keeping with the' Bi- <br />Y <br />Gentennial Celebration., <br />} a <br />'s Mr. Elwin Buchanan, Director of Community Development and Mr. <br />Jim Coats, Director'of Social. Services, appeared before the. Board. Mr. Buchanan <br />explained.that the sum of $1, 702, 00 had been spent in November with the Triangle: <br />Housing Development Corporation and because of the failure.of the State agencies <br />to act.promptly on these programs, it would be necessary to transfer $1, 702, 00 from the <br />$8, 000, 00, which was deposited with Social Services for matching funds in order to <br />pay this item. Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the sum of $1,702'. 00 be <br />transferred from the-$S, 000.-00 of Community. Development money which was put up <br />for matching'.fund grants,to the Rehabilitation contract with.the Triangle Housing <br />Development Corporation. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion <br />and upon a vote, Messrs, Cooper,. Potterer, Hancock, Franklin D. Wicker and Gordon <br />A,' Wicker, all voted for it. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Hal L,' Hancock, duly seconded by <br />Commissioner Dotterer, and unanimously adopted, upon a vote, Williams and Works <br />was authorized to advertise for bids for the Northview sewer project., <br />The agreement between the Town of Broadway and County of Lee <br />on the-Community Development project known as the Broadway Water line was-pre- <br />sented to the Board. Upon motiontof,Comniissioner Dotterer,'seconded by Comm- <br />issioner Franklin D. Wicker„ which motion was unanimously adopted, the contract <br />was approved.and,the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to execute the contract <br />on behalf of the:County. <br />Director Elwin Buchanan presented for consideration of the:Board a <br />resolution concerning the amendment o~ the County. Budget to include Community <br />ott rer <br />Development Grant Funds, Commis sionerimoved.the adoption of the following <br />.resolution: <br />-WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' OF LEE <br />COUNTY has determined it to be'.to the best interest of the <br />citizens of Lee County and has filed a.formal application with <br />the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).to. <br />fund several activities planned in the Community. Development <br />Program; and <br />