<br />OF
<br />FOR
<br />Monday,`June 21, 1976
<br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commrs'sioners for Lee County,
<br />1 1, North Carolina, convened in the Commissioners Room in the'County Office Building,
<br />200 Wicker Street,. Sanford,' North Carolina, at 7:00 o'clock p, in., on Monday, June
<br />21, 1976. 'Those present were Commissioners' William H, Cooper, John.E. Dotter,
<br />Hal L. Hancock; Franklin D. Wicker and Gordon A: Wicker.
<br />Chairman Gordon A. Wicker presided and the following business was
<br />transacted'
<br />The minutes of the meeting held on' June 7:,t 1976, were approved,
<br />upon motion of Commissioner Hal L. Hancock, seconded,'by Commissioner Franklin
<br />D. Wicker, which motion was unanimously adopted. The minutes were ordered
<br />recorded.
<br />Mr. Donald F. Eaglet Route 5, Box 596-D, Sanford, North Carolina,
<br />presented a road petition requesting the addition to the State System of Northview
<br />Drive and Cornwallis Drive in the Northview section of Lee County. Commissioner
<br />Hal L. Hancock moved the.adoption of the following resolution:
<br />WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the
<br />Board of County Commissioners of the County of Lee, requesting
<br />that the above described road, the location of which has been in-
<br />dicated in red on the: attached map, be added to the Secondary
<br />Road System; and
<br />WHEREAS,. the Board of County Commissioners is of the
<br />opinion that the above described `road should be added to.the Sec-
<br />ondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and
<br />criteria established by the Division of Highways of.the Department
<br />of Transportation and Highway Safety for-the addition of roads to
<br />71 the System,,
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the. Board of County
<br />Commissioners of-'the County of Lee, that the Division of Highways
<br />is hereby requested to review the above.. described road, and to take
<br />over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and
<br />criteria,
<br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and it was
<br />.unanimously'adopted,
<br />The Board took up for consideration the application for a grant for
<br />LEAA funds. The County, Finance-officer was requested to obtain more details about
<br />the use of these funds by the Sheriff's Department.
<br />Mr. James Goats,,Director of Social Services, appeared before the
<br />Beard and explained aboutthe application of the Title XX funds and c retract services
<br />which had been supplied with these funds, , Due to the'late approval by the State Agency
<br />concerned, all of the funds could not be expended during the present fiscal year.
<br />