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0. 9 , 3 :5._ t L ti. <br />The Board next.discussed its insurance coverage and the'method of <br /> contracts.- Upon motion of Commissioner:Dotterer, seconded <br />by Commissioner Hancock, which-motion was unanimously adopted, it was <br />RESOLVED to have all independent insurance agencies .in "Lee County to offer bids' <br />on the County's, insurance. program and that the Finance Officer work,to amend the <br />existing policies so-that-all policies 'will havea common expiration-date. <br />The Board next proceeded -to'open'the. bids received for the.maintenance <br />.of the County's business machines, and the contract was awarded to the. low bidder, <br />Mac's Business lvlachines, Inc.,: in the amount of $3,658.33. ' <br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancock moved that the following, names be <br />certified as the roster of firemen at the Deep River Fire.Departmerit. :Comriiiss- <br />ioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the-motion and.upon a vote the mot on;was <br />unanimously adopted. The list is attached to these minutes and made apart hereof. <br />The Board,next considered the recommendations of the County <br />Finance Officer for the appropriate changes in the Budget for the-.fiscal year,ending <br />June 30, 1976. 'Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that the Budget_be <br />amended in the following =respects: <br />1. Amend. 1975-76 school current, expense. budget <br />increase, in".:general funds, 'revenue and decrease in Fines Forfeitures <br />by. the amount of $33, 938. Funds to be expended from the,'unappropriated' <br />surplus in the General Fund. <br />2. . Appropriate ;$19, 724 to the North Carolina Department of <br />Military:'and Veterans Affairs for Lee,County share'of new Armory <br />building from unappropriated surplus in the-General Fund. <br />3. Appropriate the following for budgets over expended 3976-77; <br />a. Amend 1976-79 budget, to include $563,222 revenue from <br />Manpower. Con's ortium'andexpenditures'of $563,222 inMiscellan-' <br />eous budget in-'General Fund. <br />b. Appropriate $2, 886 to Facilities. Plan in the Miscellaneous <br />budget-in the General Fixnd'.from unappropriated Surplus in the General <br />Fund.' <br />c.' Appropriate $2,144 to.Christmas Party Expense in the <br />'Miscellaneous Fund in the General Fund from Unappropriated Surplus in <br />the`General Fund. <br />d. Appropriate $19, 909 to, the non-departmental budget from <br />unappropriated Surplus in the -GeneralFund for the following expenditures: <br />Group Insurance $ 668 <br />Retirement ' 1, 428 <br />' Workmen's- Compensat <br />ion 17,813 <br />e Appropriate $9, Maintenance Department for Insurance,_, <br />on building's, and grounds. Funds to be appropriated. from Unappropriated <br />Surplus iri General, Fund.' <br />4. Appr8priate.$350 from unappropriated surplus in General Fund <br />to Maintenance. Department for architectural services for bell construction <br />on Courthouse lawn. <br />