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60Ot <br />Commissioner-Dotterer. seconded the motion and upon.a vote <br />-it was unanimously, adopted.' <br />The report of the Community Development Council dated July <br />19, 1.976, was considered and accepted, <br />Th'e. Board next-considered;the Broadway. Community Building <br />Project.'..After,eten's vediscussion,. Commissioner~Cooper moved that the <br />County appropriate the sum'of $1,256. 00 from the Contingency and Emergency <br />Fund to this :Project,:upon the-condition that the gutters,'and`downspouts and the <br />lighting _.were.restored as originally planned and that the Town of Broadway, fur- <br />nish * the additional money for the.completiori,of"the project. Commissioner <br />Dotterers"econded the motion and upon a roli call,vote, Messrs Cooper,-Dott <br />erer, Hancock, F. Wicker and'G. Wicker all-voted foi it. <br />Commissioner Cooper moved that if thefTown.of Broadway provide <br />the additional funds. necessary for the "contract price in accordance with the <br />resolution just adopted then the low. bid of Metal Building' Systems of North Carolina, <br />be accepted and the Chairman"and Clerk be authorized 'and directed to execute <br />the contract"for the construction of said project: Commissioner Dotterer seconded. <br />the motion and'upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Corrimissioner'Franklin D. Wicker moved that the. Community <br />Developrrient•Agency'be,authorized to arrange for the extension of the Hokem <br />Town water line near: Broadway to the southeast side of U; S. Highway'No:' 421,' <br />as,far,as-the honey'permits"upto_the County..line. Commissioner Hal-L. <br />Hancock seconded the motioniand upon a vote it was unanimou sly adopted. , <br />Mr T.` W..McDonal'd,~-Chairman of'the Lee County Board of <br />Elections,.appeared ,before the Board and:consulted with'them concerning the <br />petition.for'a special election for the establishment of a rural fire protection <br />district in the area known as:liar-Lee••Fire,District. The Chairman "thereafter <br />called the'Chairman'of-the Harnett,Courity:Boar.d of Commissioners and reported <br />the date-of September, 14, 1976,, was the date. the Harnett'County Board preferred. <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer,moved'the adoption.of the following: <br />WHEREAS, a, petition has been presented to the Board <br />of Commissioners for Lee County requesting that a special " <br />election be called to establish' a rural fire protection district;. <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the petition has,been examined and it has been <br />determined that the petition. contains, more than fifteen. (157o) <br />per cent of the 'resident freeholders living in the area; and, <br />WHEREASthe Board of CorrimissLon`es has a,duty to. <br />l; <br />call said election under G. S. 6§.-Z5. <br />NOW THEREFORE,. BE IT RESOLVED ,BY .TH0 BOARD _OF <br />COM1vIISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF LEE, AS FOLLOWS: <br />• : 1, The question whether the qualified'woters in the+a`rea <br />described in the petition and designated as Har-Lee Fire District <br />shall approve or;,dis-approve the Ievying,and collecting a special <br />tax on all taxable property in said district of not exceeding 15r <br />of the $100 valuation'of property for the purpose of providing <br />:'fire protection in. said district shall be submitted to,the <br />qualified voters of said district residing. in. Lee County, at a , <br />"special election to be held on September 14, 1976. <br />5 <br />