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500K &FAG.F.665 <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer"seconded the motion and upon a <br />roll call vote, Messrs,` Cooper; ,Dotterer,.Hancock, F.;Wicker`and-G:'. Wicker all' <br />voted for)it and no one Voted against it, <br />The schedule of quarterly reports'.prepared-by the Clerk and Finance <br />Officer were presented to the. Board.' The schedule'was.'approved upon motion of.C"o- <br />mmissioner'Dotterer,:;seconded by Commissioner Cooper, which motion was <br />; <br />unanaimously- adopted upon a. vote." The Board thereafter' instructed the Finance <br />Officer: to-include-the Ambulance Service and'Rural-Fire'Departments-on the list. . <br />The Board next, opened the. bids' received for the, construction of the <br />Northview sewer line. A list of the bids received is listed on a bid tabulation sheet <br />which is'..attached to'these minutes and made apart hereof. No action was taken " <br />,upon the bids at this time, <br />Mr: Robert Bracken of Williams &;Works; reported that.he'had <br />secured a11:of the necessary easements for'the construction of'the elevated water'- <br />' the. Clawson L,• Wil'liams'Industrial Park. <br />Commissioner William H., Cooper moved that the low bid of Universal <br />Tank. & Srofi.Company; and the low bid of Blue Contracting Company, "be accepted, <br />and that the Chairman and Clerk'be authorized and directed to,execute; contracts for <br />"the construction-of said"project, :Commissioner Hal L. Hancock seconded the motion <br />' and upon a vote, 'it was unanimously adopted, <br />Commissioner Hal L -Hancock'moved the adoption of the following - <br />resolution:with respect, to accepting a. grant from the. Department of-Natural and <br />"Economic Resources: <br />WHEREAS, THE.•BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR <br />_ LEE COUNTY, has'deterniined it to be to the best interest. <br />of the' citizens of. Lee Coun_Wto'build and:'install a 5002000 <br />gallon'water;tank-in an area"known as•the'CLAWSON WILLIAMS <br />INDUSTRIAL PARK;- and <br />WHEREAS, the water tank will, supply the volume.,of water <br />as required for':the, industries in this. area gas well as the school <br />- and residential`needs.over'a large area; and <br />5, E WHEREAS, this water tank will supply the volume and <br />residual pressure required•for, fire" protection for industries, <br />.schbol,.and residents; and <br />IT. <br />W-HEREAS,•'Lee'County has applied for a grant-from the <br />-North-,Carolina Department of Natural and Economic, Resources <br />in tke.amount of Fifty Thousand Four'Hundred and Forty One <br />Dollars .($50,1441.,00) to' assist in the ;construction of thi's water . <br />tank;: and <br />WHER.-EAS, the North Carolina Department of Natural and <br />Economic' Resources has offered this.grant in the amount of Fifty <br />Thousand;Four "Hundred and Forty One Dollars ($50, 441,'.00) fort <br />-Lee County's acceptance; <br />% <br />> NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF <br />COMMISSIONERS, OF LEE COUNTY to accept the grant offer of <br />FIFTY THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE'DOLLARS, <br />r <br />($50, 44'1.00) and authorize the_Chairman,` Gordon A: Wicker, to <br />sign acceptance:of the grant. , <br />