Z. That'the Clerk to the Board of County
<br />Commissioners is hereby directed to-publish a copy, of this
<br />resolution-once a week for four•iveeks in "'The Sanford. Daily
<br />Herald", for the purpose-of notifying abutting property owners
<br />and all other persons who have an interest,in,the matter to
<br />appear-for' any objections' which they may have at the public
<br />hearing:' -
<br />3': That the Clerk to the Board of County
<br />Commissioners is further directed'to transmit.acopy of this
<br />resolution byregistered mail,to,each.owner-of property abutting
<br />on that portion'of said street which is proposed to be closed.
<br />Upon motion duly, made by. Commissioner Hal L.- Hancock, and ,
<br />seconded by Commissioner W.' H., Cooper,,'the'above resolution was adopted by' the
<br />Board.of.County Commissioners'at -the`regular meeting held on`August Z. 1976.
<br />A map''bPthe.area, is attached-' to the minutes and by this reference, is
<br />made a part of these minutes.
<br />Written reports were received from the' following agencies and
<br />departments: Agricultural Extension Service,; Ambulance Service,. Civil Preparedness
<br />Agency,-'Department of Social.Services,.'District Conservationist,: Lee-Harnett'
<br />Mental Health-Authority, Planning Board, Sheriff's Department„ and Tax Collector.
<br />.A copy of each of these r'eports-was given to each Commissioner. ,
<br />' Commissioner'W..H. Cooper moved that the following resolution
<br />be adopted:
<br />WHEREAS, ' the' Local' Government
<br />..Commission of North-Carolina has informed the Board of
<br />Comniissione_rs that it-has sold in the manner prescribed by
<br />law $525,000.Water'and Sewer Bonds of `Lee County, authorized-'
<br />to be issuediby bond orders adopted by, The Board on April 5,
<br />1971, and that the' contract of, sale'contemplate's thaf said;Bonds'
<br />shall bear interest as hereinafter provided; NOW, THEREFORE,,
<br />BE IT RESOLVED by 1he,Board of?Commissioners ;
<br />of the County of Lee that the foregoing bonds -s'ftiill~,tbear inter'
<br />as follows:
<br />Bonds payable in each of the years 1978 to 1990, inclusive,
<br />5.257o'per annum; and
<br />Bonds payable, in=each: of the years 19911to 1994, inclusive,
<br />5. 507o per annum:
<br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancock.seconded'the motion, and the
<br />_
<br />motion was adopted., Those voting for the, resolution were Messrs.. W. H.
<br />.Cooper, Hal L.,Hancock, Gordon A. Wicker. No one voted against it.
<br />Mr.:-Elwin Buchanan, Grants Director, and Mr. RobeitBracken,.
<br />appeared before the. Board and,discussed the size of the.sewer lines in the Northview
<br />area:: Mr. Bracken stated the forced main section was asix inch pipe but all other
<br />sections were larger.. Commissioner Franklin D.. Wickes joined the-meeting during
<br />this discussion and participated' in the further deliberrations of the B'oard.. Comm-
<br />issioner W H. Cooper moved.that-the engineers be instructed to prepare the plans
<br />and cost'data using eight inch line in the forced main section. The motion was
<br />seconded by Commissioner Franklin, D....Wicker and,upon'a vote unanimously adopted.
<br />