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BOOK "FAGE697 <br />r, A <br />3.' That the-Applicant has formally appropriatedythe cash <br />contribution of $17, 000. 00, as required by the'project4. That the Project Director designated. in the application <br />form.shall furnish or make arrangements for other approp- <br />riate'persons to furnish such information; data, documents <br />and reports pertaining to the project, if approved, as may be <br />required by the Governor's Highway,Safety Program. . <br />5. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part <br />of the application reference above, <br />6. _ That-this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its <br />adoption. <br />Commissioner.Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a. vote, it <br />was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Franklin D <br />in the further deliberations of the Board. <br />Wickes joined the meeting and participated <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper moved"that"the action of the <br />Chairman-and Clerk in executing and delivering to the Department of Transportation. <br />an easement for the 'construction of the Third Street Project through O, T. Sloan <br /> ratified and approved.- -Commissioner Dotterer"seconded the motion and <br />upon a vote it was unanimously adopted: <br />Commissioner'William,H. Cooper moved that the Department of <br />Transportation be requested to include in its Third Street Project, a ramp and the <br />necessary-'curbing for a future entry way from Third Street into O, T.•'Sloan Rec= <br />reational Park.' Commissioner Dotterer s--econded the motion and upon a vote it <br />was unanimously' adopted, <br />-The Chairman called the attention of the Board to the matter of <br />consideration- of the closing of the northernmost portion of the unnamed road which <br />abuts on Lots Nos, 334 through 340,. inclusive,, on the map of Sunset Hills Subdivision. <br />A letter was presented to the Board from the Northview Community Church which . <br />stated that:it did not object to the closing of that portion of the road, - <br />Commis sionef;John E. Dotterer, moved the adoption of the following <br />resolution: <br />WHEREAS, at its regular meeting _on August <br />2, 1976, the Board adopted a resolution declaring its intent,pur- <br />suant to the authority of G. S. 153A-241 to close a portion'of an <br />shown on map of Sunset Hills in or near the <br />Community, of Northview described as follows: <br />Being the northernmost portion of the unnamed road which abuts <br />on Lots Nos. 334 through 340 inclusive, as shown on map entitled <br />"Sunset Hills" and recorded in Map Book 4„ page 52, Lee County, <br />Registry and being the-area which would be north of the northern <br />Uoundary'if Northview Drive as shown on said map were extended <br />to the:-line-of Lot'No:-.326 as shown on said map. <br />And whereas, said resolution set 11:00 o'clock a m.,. September 7;' <br />1976, as the time and the Commissioners' room.on the second, floor,,. <br />County Office Building,. 200 Wicker Street„ Sanford, 'No'rth Carolina,'-`as the place for a public hearing thereon; <br />And whereas, it appears that the notice required`by~law for said r' <br />hearing has been given to abutting property owners and all other <br />persons who have an interest in the matter; ' <br />