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v33 <br />1.11 Proposal Terms Firm and Irreversible <br />The signed Proposal shall be considered a firm offer on the part of the Proposer. The <br />County reserves the right to negotiate pricing and services. All Proposal responses <br />(including all statements, claims, declarations, prices and specifications in the Proposals) <br />shall be considered firm and irrevocable for purposes of future Contract negotiations <br />unless specifically waived in writing by the County. The Proposer chosen for award <br />should be prepared to have its Proposal and any relevant correspondence incorporated <br />into the Contract, either in part or in its entirety, at the County's election. Any false or <br />misleading statements found in the Proposal may be grounds for disqualification. <br />1.12 Withdrawal or Modification of Proposals <br />Proposers may change or withdraw their Proposals at any time prior to Proposal opening; <br />however, no oral modifications will be allowed. Only letters or other formal written <br />requests for modifications or corrections of a previously submitted Proposal, which is <br />addressed in the same manner as the Proposal, and received by the County prior to the <br />submission date, will be accepted. The Proposal, when opened, will then be corrected in <br />accordance with such written request(s), provided that the written request is contained in <br />a sealed envelope, which is plainly marked "Modifications to Proposal." Faxed or e- <br />mailed modifications to any Proposal will not be accepted. <br />1.13 Proposer's Obligation to Fully Inform Themselves <br />Proposers or their authorized representatives are expected to fully inform themselves as <br />to all conditions, requirements and specifications of this RFP before submitting <br />Proposals. Failure to do so will be at the Proposer's own risk. <br />1.14 Disclaimer <br />Each Proposer must perform its own evaluation and due diligence verification of all <br />information and data provided by the County. The County makes no representations or <br />warranties regarding any information or data provided by the County. <br />1.15 Interpretations <br />County shall not provide interpretation of the meaning of the plans, specifications or <br />other pre - proposal documents to any bidder orally. Such communication must be in <br />writing and emailed to joseph.cherry @leecountync. og_v or addressed to: <br />Lee County General Services <br />ATTN: Joseph Cherry, Solid Waste Superintendent <br />805 S. Fifth Street <br />Sanford, NC 27330 <br />All requests shall be received no later than 3:00 PM on January 27, 2014. Any and all <br />such interpretations and any supplemental instructions, will be in the form of written <br />Page 6 <br />