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BK:00026 PG -0399 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION <br />HONORING THE MEMORY OF <br />FORMER COMMISSIONER NATHAN E. (ED) PASCHAL <br />WHEREAS, Nathan E. Paschal, age 81, who unselfishly dedicated twenty years of service to Lee County as a County <br />Commissioner with great distinction and success, passed away on April 2, 2014; and, <br />WHEREAS, Nathan E. Paschal was bom in Lee County, graduated from Sanford High School, served in the US Army, was <br />married to his wife, Betty, for sixty years, and was the father of four sons, several grandchildren and great grandchildren; and <br />WHEREAS, Nathan E. Paschal served as a County Commissioner from December 1990 through December 1994 and December <br />1996 through December 2012, served as Vice- Chairman in 1998 and 1999, and served on the Library Board of Trustees, Senior <br />Services Advisory Board, Parks & Recreation Commission, and the Ft. Bragg Regional Alliance Board; and, <br />WHEREAS, Nathan E. Paschal was an active member of the Sanford Lions Club, the Wednesday Morning Men's Prayer <br />Breakfast at St. Luke Methodist Church, a charter member of the Northwest Pocket Fire Department, and was deeply devoted <br />to his church, family, and community; and, <br />WHEREAS, Nathan E. Paschal recommended the county's official motto "Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow" and was <br />honored as the Lifetime Achievement winner in 2012 by The Sanford Herald; and, <br />WHEREAS, Nathan E. Paschal was also know across the County for his delicious peach cobblers that he made with love and <br />shared with all; and, <br />WHEREAS, Nathan E. Paschal was a soft - spoken man with little to say during meetings but was always ready to help citizens <br />when needed, along with being a true gentleman; and, <br />WHEREAS, Lee County and its citizens have benefited from Mr. Paschal's knowledge, leadership and concern for his fellow <br />citizens and his contributions and dedication to public service. He will be missed by all those whose lives he touched who saw <br />him as friend, mentor, peacemaker, and father figure. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lee County Board of Commissioners extends to his wife, Betty, and family our <br />sincere sympathy. <br />FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board expresses our appreciation for his leadership, his unselfish and dedicated <br />devotion, and his significant impact on Lee County. We are proud to honor his life and his memory. <br />Adopted and presented this 1 e 7th day of April 2014. <br />Chade T. Parks, Chai n Kirk . i , Vice- Marrman <br />-01 52 D <br />Amy M. Irymple, Commissioner ODr. Ric D , ier, Copmjissioner <br />Reives, <br />