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VC FAGi:lr~J <br />The lease of the Airport facilities was brought up for consideration <br />and the leasehold agreement was distributed and discussed by the members of the <br />Board. Commissioner Cooper moved that the contractual arrangements made by <br />the Airport Commission with Mr. Ogburn and the leasehold agreement with Central <br />Aviation be approved, Commissioner Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a vote <br />it was unanimously adopted, <br />Mr, Elwin Buchanan, Grants Administrator, appeared before the <br />Board and gave a report on the Community Development Program, Mr, Buchanan <br />also reported on the relocation program, Mr. Buchanan reported that a 4 and one-h <br />cubic yard dump truck was available and could be purchased with Title X funds, <br />but upon motion of Commissioner Dotterer, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, thie <br />was tabled until a flat bed 'truck was available. Also, upon motion of Commissioner <br />Dotterer, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, which motion was unanimously <br />adlpted, Mr. Buchanan was requested to send the report of the Citizens 1mpUt <br />Committee to the Recreation Commission for its consideration and `,hen have the <br />report returned to the Board with the recommendations of the Recreation Comm- <br />fission, Upon motion of Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, seconded by Comm.. <br />issioner Dotterer, which motion was unanimously adopted, it was resolved to <br />authorize Mr. Buchanan to prepare a pre-application report for the 77-78 Comm- <br />unity Development Program. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner <br />Dotterer, which motion was unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED to table con- <br />sideratioa of the Minimum Housing Ordinance until the next meeting of the Board <br />when it will be discussed. <br />The monthly bills as listed b,, the County Accountant were presented <br />to the Board and annrovod for payment upon motion of Cotnmissi.oner Cooper, <br />duly seconded by Commissioner Dotterer, which motion was unanimously adopted. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it was <br />adjourned sine die, <br />v_ <br />CHAIR:v1A:N <br />CLERI{ ~ <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY <br />Presented for re istration on the/9. d"y <br />G~ <br />recorded in Book._.?. 15742/__ <br />Pore <br />Pattie W. WGHvary. Register of Deeds <br />