<br />by the Board of Commissioners meeting' in,regular , session:
<br />1. That a public hearing be held at 8 o'clock
<br />a p. m„ on the 20th day of De'cembe'r, 1976; at'the Commissioner's
<br />Room on the second floor, County Office Building, 200. Wicker
<br />Street;' Sanford,'North Carolina; to"consider,a resolution closing
<br />the ,two,unopenedsoads as above described;
<br />2, 'Tfiat the Clerk to the-Board of County Comm--
<br />issioners`is hereby directed to publish'a copy of this resolution
<br />once a week for four "weeks din The Sanfoid'Daily Herald, for the
<br />purpose of notifying:abutting property owners and all•other.persons .
<br />who,have an interest in the.matter to appear for any objections '
<br />which they may have at.the public hearing.
<br />3,' That-tlie'Clerk'to'the"Boardof County Comm-
<br />issione'rs is further directed to transmit a copy of this resolution by
<br />registered mail to each owner; :of property abutting on'that portion, of
<br />said.'street which is proposed to be closed.
<br />Commissioner, Franklin D.-Wicker seconded the motion-and 'upon a
<br />vote it was, unanimously, adopted.
<br />Mr. 'Tom Haislip"appeared before'the Board and discussed with the
<br />Board. the possibility of making the "position of Home Economist a permanent one .
<br />and also about providing additional clerical help,' ,
<br />Chairman Gordon A. Wicker announced that the Board would then
<br />conduct a public hearing _bn the Community Development Program andhe called
<br />f. upon Mr;. Elwin Buchanan, Grants Director, to explainthe'explana, ry. remarks
<br />concerning "availability funds concerning" this,program. --Mrs. Ophelia,PaImer _
<br />spoke-on behalf of Tempting, Community and:requested`assistance andrestablishment,.'
<br />of a 'community center. ,'Mrs.' Onita-Howard spoke'on`behalf of the Osgood
<br />Community and requested assistance in establishing'.aswater, line in'that area-.-=-Mr:
<br />S. M. Rattz spoke on-need for water in-the Oakdale, Acres area.,`Mr; 4William H. Parker spoke on behalf of the Grapevineyard'section where there are.many..-dirt
<br />streets a:nd many'houses which":are, below standard. Mr. -Duncan McRae said he had
<br />-had a•request frbmn people in the area below Lemon Springs which needed a water,
<br />system.. Mr. -Elwin Buchanan-added that there were•improvements which had been
<br />deleted from the Washington Avenue area in'the present program which would'be
<br />included and'consid'ered in'making up the County's application for the next year.
<br />After everyone had been recognized,' Commissioner "Cooper moved this
<br />closed and':Commissioner,Dotterer seconded.the motion and'upon a vote, it.was
<br />unanimously adopted; It was. announced that the second public hearing on the- 1977-
<br />78 Community Development Program would be held at 11:30-o'clock.a, m.,. on.'
<br />'November,l,'.1976.
<br />Mr. James L. Clark appeared before the Board'and presented
<br />the specifications fora mapping program for the County:. After they were .reviewed,
<br />Commissioner Dotterer moved. that the County be mapped, for tax purpgsesand that
<br />bids be received for this project upon the specifications presented. Commissioner
<br />Cooper seconded the motion.and,upon a vote the motion was unanimously adopted `
<br />With bide to be received on the 6th day of December, 1976;
<br />The,Board next considered "the "matter of the adoption of the Housing
<br />Code.-- Commissioner.Franklin D. Wicker moved the adoption of the Model Housing
<br />Code; a,copy of attached'hereto and by this refe'rence.made,,a part hereof,
<br />effective as of October 18, 1976. Commissioner John E.,.Dotierer'seconded the'
<br />motion and upon a vote. it was unanimously,adopted." %
<br />