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eo~a • ~ easz~34 ' <br />Bidder $1'animetric Orthobase <br />Landmark $ 212, 000 $ <br />Rice 255,873 225, 728 <br />West Mapping. Service 277, 600. 237, 580 <br />There was a discussion among the Board members and representatives <br />of the bidders present. Upon motion of Commissioner Dotterer,. seconded by <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker,. it was 'resolved to d'efer-consideration of this <br />matter until the next meeting of the Board on Monday, December 20, 1976. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that.a resolution recog- <br />nizing the services 'of Commissioner Gordon A. Wick er'as Chairman of this <br />Board for-four years be included in the minutes. Commissioner Dotterer seconded <br />the motion and upon a vote, Messrs:` Dotterer. Rhyne, F. Wicker and Cooper <br />doted for.-it. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker abstained. A copy of the resol- <br />ution is attached <br />There being no further business to come before. the session, it <br />was adjourned sine die, <br />ATTES <br />CLERK <br />- y f . <br />_ 3 u a <br />