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8 PALE' 730 . <br />The _question.of baskets for the,County Employees was discussed . <br />and?upon.motion of Commissioner'Dottererjseconded by Commissioner, Rhyne, <br />it•was resolved to.aiuthorize Commissioner 'Gordon A,' Wicker to secure and <br />present't'o-the Count y;Emplo.yees,,. suitable. Christmas baskets. <br />Chair main Cooper called the members attention to the written <br />reports Which had beendistributed to the:members-of the: ,Board. showing the <br />activities of various County' Departments and Agencies - <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan, Director'of Grants, appeared.before the <br />Board and advised the- Board'the''re'was a -overage_of funds.on the'Broadway_ 'Water Line Project.(Project No.` 20-13), in.the amount of $4, 377;QO,'. which was <br />needed in the Lyons Bottorri,Water Line Project (Project No..20-09)... 'Mr, <br />' Buchanam,also advised. that it would be necessary to'transfer' $6, 000:00 from the: <br />-Contingency Fund.-(Project No 20='57) to.the Broadway Community, Center•Project <br />(Project No. 20-07). -After discussion,, Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved <br />that thebudgettransfers as-requested by Mr. approved and ordered' <br />into effect: Commissioner- Dotterer.seconded, the motion and upon,a vote,.Messrs, <br />- Dotterer, 'Rhyne, :F.` Wicker,`G., Wicker, and Cooper voted for it and,' no,one 'voted' <br />a ainst it. <br />Mr." Darrell Mullins of Will <br />I 1— 1 "t iams, & Works, appeared before _the ` <br />, 'r <br />Board and discussed the heating at the County, Courthouse 'After; discussion <br />Chairman;Cooper `appointed as the Courthouse .Committeee-following•-. <br />t *.i+V P«i S41 az pi +a <br />Commissioner Gordon A Wicker,, Chaxrmari ,1 t- r ' <br />:Darrell Mullins' <br />Hugh. Brewer- <br />. . , <br />Sion-Kelly <br />K.` R. Hoyle <br />Mr. Mullins was told to eo=ordinate: his activities with the <br />Committee. <br />The Board next discussed repairs to the windows _in'.the County <br />• Office Building." Commissioner.,D6tterer'm6ved that. specifications be prepared , <br />for advertising fo_r'a,double hung insullated sash window to be hung in the County <br />Office Bdilding. -.Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker. seconded the' motion and <br />upon a vote it was unanimously. adopted. <br />The Board then proceeded to-co nsider.the"bids received for <br />windows for installationrat the Multi-Purpose`the San-Lee Recreational <br />Park.'' ,Only one bi.d was received and since that would not meet the, *statutory <br />requirements it was not opened'.and -the Architect was instructed tore-advertise <br />the project'the..Board."" <br />Mr. Gilbert Matthews. appeared, before the Board on behalf of the <br />Farmers-Cooperative Warehouse;-along with,mr. James L. Clark.. Tax Super... <br />visor; ;Mr,_ Clark reporte'd.that-ihe=Farmers.Cooperative' Warehouse had re- <br />quested that its'warel ouse leased from Mr;` C..N, Castleberry; Ur., be given <br />the~same seasonal ireatmentas'are afforded other tobacco warehouses in'the, <br />County. "Mr.•',Clark stated that he'was under the impression that the Cooperative <br />was purchasing .the property and, had intended to make-the correction, when the <br />deed passed through his office. Upon learning ihat.the'facilitywas under a long <br />, hewas.going to.make the correction but wanted the Board to know the - <br />facts which necessitated the change,-in the records. <br />The.Board next proceeded to open the bids receivedfor-the tax <br />mapping, of.the-County. The bids. received were as follows: - <br />