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r~q ~ fir 4 <br />The Chairman announced to the Board that it'should set the <br />time and place for th'e•meeting.s, as,pr ovid;ed in G. S.' 153A-40. Commissioner <br />•Franklin D.. Wicker moved that the Board-of..County Commissioners. for Lee <br />County hold regular, meetings inthe Commissioners Room in the County Office <br />Building;, 200 Wicker Street„ Sanford, North Carolina;.-' and that the meetings <br />be held at 9:30 oIclock 'a.. m..,1 on the first Monday of each month and at 7:30 <br />.o'clock p. m., on the, third Monday of each month.. Provided,. however, that <br />when either one of'the meetings fall on a holiday, it shall be held on'the next <br />succeeding 'Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote, it was unanimously adopted.. <br />The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on November 15, <br />1976, were, corrected and as corrected were approved.and ordered"recorded, <br />upon motion of Franklin D. -Wicker, 'duly seconded by Commissioner 'John E. <br />Dotterer,- which motion was•unanimously adopted. , <br />The statement of. bills as prepared, by the, County Finance Officer <br />were reviewed and approved-for payment upon motion,of Commissioner John E. <br />Dotterer and seconded by Commissioner Franklin D,.Wieker,'wh ch'motion wa's <br />unanimously'adopte d. <br />Chairman Cooper, reported to the Boardthat the Broadway. <br />Community Building had been approved for a statement'of values of $56, 000, 00 <br />and the; Rangers House at the San-Lee Recreational area- had been.approved for. a <br />value' of $351 000. 00,` and that consideration should be given to including these <br />properties in our program of insurance at those values..' Commissioner Dotterer <br />moved;that the values reported by the Chairman be approved and that insurance <br />coverage be secured in'those amounts. Commissioner Franklin D. -Wicker <br />seconde,d.the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Chairman had the,Clerk read a letter from th'e Chairman of. <br />the Finance Committee of Central Carolina, Technical Institute, requesting <br />budget changes..' !CommissionerFranklin -D..Wicker moved that the budget <br />changes'requested'by Central Carolina Technical Institute in its'letter of Nov- <br />and. made a part <br />ember 22;.:1976,., a. copy of which is attached to,.theseminutes' <br />hereof, be approved.Commissioner-Clyde`J. Rhyne seconded the motion and <br />upon a vote, Messrs. Dotterer,'..Rhyne,_ F. Wicker, G. Wicker and Cooper all . <br />voted'for'it and, no "one -voted against it. <br />A road petition'requesting the additiorito the State Secondary'Road <br />System of a 1400 footportion:of OakwoodDrive in Oakwood.Acres`Subdivision, <br />Pocket; Township,<was, presented to the Board. Commissioner Franklin D. <br />Wicker moved that, the standard resolution,-required by the Department of Trans- <br />portation.for addition to the State,Secondary' Road System be approved for this <br />portion of Oakwood Drive. Commissioner-Dotterer seconded.the motion and <br />upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. ,A•copy~of the. r-esolution and the map <br />are attached to the minutes. ' <br />Chairman Cooper-advised-the Board that they should'_give,consid- <br />eration to making appointments to the Lee County Industrial Facility and Pollution <br />Control Financing Authority, in accordance with G. S. , 159C-4.` , Tlie Board, by <br />agreement, asked that this item be included on•its agenda-for the next ;meeting. <br />_ The Chairman asked. the pleasure of the Board in setting the' ` <br />holidays-to'be observed during the. Christmas Season:`: Commissioner Dotterer <br />moved that the County observe and close its''^offices, on December 24th and 27th <br />and on January 3rd, which. would -mean 'that the Commissioners meeting in January <br />would-be held on Tuesday,. January 4th. Commissioner-'FranklinD.-Wicker ; , <br />and seconded the motion" upon a vote it was`unanimously;adopted; ' <br />