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980h O PAGE 18 <br />his appreciation to the Board for entrusting the'Clairmanship to him for the coming <br />year. _ <br />The Board then proceeded to hold an election for the position of Vice- <br />Chairman,- Ballots were distributed and the results of were as follows: <br />Franklin D. -Wicker ................5 votes <br />Commissioner Franklin D. 'Wicker was declared duly elected as <br />Vice-Chairman of the Board. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker was recognized and he thanked the <br />Board for the opportunity to serve as its Chairman in the past and for the fine <br />cooperation he had received from the Commissioners and in particular from the <br />staff and employees.of the County. - <br />Commissioner Wicker then read a statement to the Board respecting <br />the financial' condition of the Board at this time, and a copy of the statement is <br />attached to and made,a part of these minutes. <br />The Chairman stated the Board should appoint and designate a Clerk <br />to the Board in accordance with G. S. 153A-111. Commissioner John E Dotterer <br />moved that Mr. K. R. Hoyle be appointed Clerk to the Board. Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker <br />moved that the nominations be closed and, that Mr. Hoyle be designated as Clerk <br />by acclamation. Commissioner Dotterer seconded the motion and, upon a vote it <br />was unanimously adopted and,Mr. 'Hoyle was declared duly appointed as Clerk to <br />the Board. <br />The Chairman advis_ ed.the Board that it should appoint a=County <br />Attorney in accordance with G. S. 153A-114. Commissioner Dotterer moved that <br />Mr. K. R. Hoyle be appointed County Attorney. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />seconded the motion. Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the nominations <br />be closed and Mr. Hoyle be designated County Attorney by acclamation. Comm- <br />issioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vo£ei. it was' unanimously <br />adopted and Mr. Hoyle was declared duly appointed as County Attorney.' <br />The Chairman announced that the:Boardshould,appo nt a• Finance <br />Officer in accordance with G. S. 159-24. Cominissione`r Franklin-D.-Wicker <br />moved that 'Mrs., Beatrice Fields he appointed Finance Officer. Commissioner <br />Dotterer-seconded the motion and upon a vote the_ inotion•was•unanimously adopted. <br />Mrs. Fields was declared,duly appointed, as the Finance Officer for Lee County. <br />The 'Chairman stated to the Board that the next item for business is the <br />appointment of a Tax Collector in accordance. with G. S. 105-349. -Commissioner <br />John E. Dotterer'moved'that Mr.'Nathan Crissman be appointed as Tax Collector <br />for a term of one year to expire on the first Monday in December, 11977, and until <br />his successor has been appointed and qualified. Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne• <br />seconded.the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted a_ nd Mr. Crissman <br />was declared duly.appointed as the Tax Collector for Lee: County. <br />The Board next considered the appointment'of a Special Attorney for <br />Social Services matters, but delayed consideration of this appointmentuntil they <br />received a.recommendation from the County Department of Social -Services. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Dotterer,,. duly seconded by Comm- <br />issioner Franklin'D. Wicker, it was unanimously resolved to appoint Mr. Jimmy <br />L. Love as,the Tax Attorney. <br />Chairman Cooper announced to the Board that he would make the " <br />assignment of duties at the next-meeting of the Board. <br />