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Book 8 MUM <br />TO: BOARD MEMBERS <br />FROM: Gordon A. Wicker, Chairman <br />I would like to take this opportunity to bring the Board up to date on the <br />financial condition of the County. <br />We began this fiscal year with a fund balance of $272,274 in the general <br />fund and have spent $18,000 of these funds. <br />Our budget for beer and wine tax is $18,000; we have received $25,000. <br />Sales tax revenue for one quarter was $187,356. Our budget for the year is <br />$550,000. <br />The budget includes $97,000 from intangibles tax; we received $107,000/ <br />We used a tax base of $335,000,000 valuation; final figures revealed $348,000,000 <br />valuation or $117,000 in additional revenue. <br />You will note from your budget report that departments are all well within <br />their budgets. This report covers 5 months expenditures or 41% of the budget. <br />$1,486,059 has been collected in 1976 taxes or 44% of the levy. This figure <br />compares favorably with last years percentage of collections at the same date. <br />We have received $19,000 in anti-recession funds but lack the guidelines for <br />spending the funds at this time. The funds must be used to hire people but not <br />create any new departments. <br />I believe that we are in a good financial condition, at this time. Conservative <br />spending and wise management will enable us to end the fiscal year with a substantial <br />fund balance. This will help offset a possible loss in taxes next year due to the <br />plans of some of our local industry to move from the County. <br />