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BOOK p FAGS 147 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING' <br />OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR <br />THE COUNTY OF LEE, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday, December 6th, 1976 <br />The duly elected members of the Board of Commissioners for <br />Lee County, North Carolina, consisting of William H. Cooper, John E. Dott- <br />erer, Clyde J. Rhynei Franklin D. Wicker and Gordon A. Wicker, met in the <br />Commissioners'' Room in the County Office Building, 200 Wicker Street, Sanford, <br />North Carolina, on the 6th day of December, 1976, at 9:00 o'clock a. m„ for a <br />regular meeting of said Board. And it appearing that William H,. Cooper, John <br />E. Dotterer and Franklin D. Wicker were serving unexpired terms on'said Board <br />and that Clyde J. Rhyne and Gordon A. Wicker.had been duly elected members of, <br />. <br />the Board. The said Clyde J. Rhyne and Gordon A. Wicker duly qualified and <br />were administered their oath of office for a term of four years by the Honorable <br />S. Gerald Arnold,. Associate Judge of the North Carolina Court of Appeals. <br />Mrs. Pattie W. McGilvary, who had been elected Register of Deeds, <br />presented herself for qualification for office and was administered the oath by the <br />Honorable S. Gerald Arnold, Associate Judge of North Carolina Court of Appeals. <br />Mrs. Sissy Cohen, Mrs. Mary Thornton'Yarborough, Mr. Mike <br />Womble.and Mr. Glen Edwards, having been elected to the Sanford-Lee County <br />Board of Education, presented themselves for qualification to their office and <br />were administered the, oath.of their office by the Honorable S. Gerald Arnold, <br />Associate Judge of the North _Carolina Court of Appeals. <br />A copy of all of the oaths taken by those who qualified for office at <br />this-meeting are attached to the minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. <br />The meeting then stood in recess to allow the many friends of the <br />office holders who qualified to offer their congratulations and to .allow' <br />those who had come to attend that part of the meeting to leave without interrupting <br />the business of the Board, ro <br />The meeting reconvened at 9:40 o'clock a, m., with all'Commissioners <br />present.4 <br />The Board then proceeded to organize and Mr. James I., Clark, <br />Tax Supervisor, conducted the election.of a Chairman. Ballots,were'distributed <br />and results of the vote were as follows: <br />William H. Cooper ..5 votes <br />Whereupon, Commissioner Cooper was declared elected as Chairman. <br />Commissioner Cooper took -the -chair. and presided over the further <br />deliberati*ns of the Board. <br />The following business was transacted: <br />Chairman Cooper expressed appreciation of the Board to Commiss- <br />ioner Gordon A. Wicker for his services to the Board as its Chairman and expressed <br />