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PAU <br />to authorize the use-of such labor in furnishing; wood for fuel for needy citizens <br />during the.present cold wave. Mr. Cameron also reported that in his dealings. <br />with the Emergency Energy office that he had found that fuel of all types was <br />in at'the present time., <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that the Board encourage <br />all -citizens to comply with`the Governor's plan for the conservation of Energy, both <br />commercial and private. Commissioner Clyde J.. Rhyne' seconded the motion and <br />upon a-vote it was unanimously, adopted. <br />There being no further business to-come before the session,' it was <br />adjourned sine die. <br />Chairman <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE-COUNTY <br />Presented for registrationo~nn the.., . -,day - - <br />of 19 /d , .Hf?,~•M, <br />- recorded Book ...i page ....:l.3 <br />Pattie w. Mcdilvary, Register, of Deeds <br />4 <br />714 2 <br />