to serve s'eparate.areas of Le?e.County including part of the
<br />City. of;Sanford;-and - „
<br />WHEREAS,. these two (2),sewer collection lines include:
<br />Line 1 - installation, o.f'a'12 inch gravity flovv.sewer line approxi-
<br />mately 3,200 feet in length; to serve an industrial > residential,
<br />area,of -I]ee County located in',the southeast area of- L-eeCounty. ;
<br />Line 2 - A c- bination,of gravity flow and force sanitary sewer
<br />mains approximately 14,300 feet in combined length,.-including
<br />lift station to serve a rural' industrial residential area, of Lee
<br />County;, and
<br />WHEREAS,.these,tcbo (2)sewer-collection systems-will
<br />benefit and serve the needs of both residential and industrial
<br />areas; and .
<br />WHEREAS, L'ee County has'applied' for a grant.from the
<br />North.,Carolina Department of Natural.and~Economic Resources in
<br />the amount of'Twenty Four Thousand; :S even Hundred and Twenty
<br />Six Dollars ($24 726:00) to,a'ssisiin the coiistruction'of these two
<br />(2) sanitary sewer collection systems and lift station;:. d
<br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of `Natural and
<br />Economic Resources has offered this grant in the, amount of.
<br />Twenty,Fou"r Thousand, Seven Hundred and Twenty,Si'Dollars-'
<br />($24„726,0.0; FOR Lee.Countys acceptance.
<br />OF COMMISSIONERS OF LEE COUNTY to accept the grant offer
<br />e* i 4 ~of Twenty Four. Thousand,,. Seven Hundred, and Twenty.Six Dollars
<br />authorize'its Chairman '.William H. Cooper, to ;
<br />($24, 726.00) and,
<br />~signtacceptance'o£ the grant,.
<br />Commissioner. Franklin D.-'Wicker seconded' the motion and upon a
<br />vote, it`was 'unanimously adopted.
<br />Com_ nndssioner`Gordon A Wicker moved:that'an addendum'to the
<br />application,for the°San=Lee Recreational and :Educational'Park for $133, 000; 00
<br />be filed. -.'C_Qxnmissioner Franklin'D:. Wicker`'seconded th.e•motion.and upon -'vote
<br />` it wasunanmaously adopted
<br />The Chairman called attentio: to the members of the Board that -
<br />the departmental reports had: been distributed-for their consideration.
<br />The. Chairman reported.that,the County"had received a bill from the
<br />Seaboard Coastline for the taxes on the Senior Citizens facility which was the
<br />"county's obligation under its lease with the Railroad .Commissioner; John E.
<br />Dotterer moved that the sum of $125.00 be•appropriated`from the Emergency and
<br />Contingency Fund=to the Non-Departmental Fund for. the purpose of paying the lease
<br />hold ,obligation to the Railroad.
<br />Upon motion of`Commissioner'-Gordon-qA ° Wicker, seconded by
<br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, it was unanimously RESOLVED to promote
<br />Hilda Key' to the position of Accounting Cle_rk3 from the position of Account
<br />Clerk 2, ;and that this action be effective as of February P, 1977.
<br />Mr.-,Billy Ray'Camerori, appeared, before,-the Board and reported
<br />'
<br />that the authorities'at the Sanford Addancenent Center,had agreed to furnish
<br />volunteer' :cut wood for needy citizens'in the County iii"keeping with the
<br />pr -gran-i initiated by the,toard, Upon motion of Commissioner John E. Dotterer,
<br />seconded by Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, }t warsunan rn. s y RESOLVED
<br />