The contract between Lee County and,_the.Department`'of'Human F,"
<br />Resources regarding the use of the Wake, County Juvenile -Home as a juvenile
<br />detention center was approved and the Chairman was authorized,-toJsign`it`on
<br />behalf of the County, upon motion of Commissioner T,Go'. don A• Wicker;;.seconded":
<br />by Commissioner John E.-.Dotteier, whichmotion was unanimously. adopted upon
<br />avote.
<br />The; Chairman, reported that an audit had been' made of the County's
<br />CETA program and also a review team had monitored the.Community Development .
<br />Block Grant.Program.
<br />Upon motion made, seconded, and unanimously adopted, Mr. A. B.
<br />Harrington, III, was appointed as Attorney''for-the Department of,Sq,cial Services,
<br />The Chairman had the a letter from.the Sanford-Lee
<br />County.'Airport Commission requesting funds for extension of`city.,water service to
<br />the Airport. After discussion, Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the sum
<br />of $9, 750. 00 be appropriated from the unappropriated''surplus in the General Fund
<br />to the Airport Fund for the purpose of extending service to the
<br />Airport.. Commissioner John'E. Dotterer seconded the;.motion and upon a roll
<br />call vote,. Messrs..Dotterer.'Rhyne, F..Wicker, G.,Wicker,.and Cooper voted for
<br />it. and no one. voted against-it..
<br />The, report of.Williams &,Woiks`on the development plan for Area
<br />II of the County Landfill was presented to the Board ,,Their statement for services
<br />in the amount of $1, 630. 05,. ,was approved for payment upon motion of Commissioner
<br />Franklin;D. -Wicker; , seconded -byCommissioner Clyde J.' Rhyne, which motion was
<br />unanimously. adopted upon a -vote.
<br />A letter from Chairman Ormond Barbee of the Board of Commiss-
<br />ioners for Onslow County, -asking support for a resolution-requesting brief jail
<br />sentences'for conviction of driving while under the influence. Commissioner John
<br />E. Dotterer moved~adop'tion of the.following:
<br />- WHEREAS, intoxicated drivers are the leading cause of
<br />traffic.fatalities in.North`Carolina and in the United States;
<br />and '
<br />WHEREAS,, approximately 60 000 arrests a year are
<br />made for driving under the influence in North Carolina; and
<br />WHEREAS,; well, over 60% of those arrested are con-
<br />victed `of driving under the influence or driving with a blood-
<br />alcohol level of 0; 10% or more; and
<br />WHEREAS,;those drivers who are convicted rarely
<br />receive any punishriient other,?than a fine.and license revo-
<br />cation;.and .
<br />WHEREAS, an additional deterrent is needed to keep
<br />intoxicated drivers off'the streets and highways of North
<br />Carolina.
<br />NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by''the Board
<br />of-Commissioners of Lee County that thermembe is of the 1977,
<br />North Carolina General Assembly-be : urged,tojenact,Iegi•slation +
<br />providing for.a mandatory one to five-day jail.sentence'for'those
<br />