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Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne seconded the'motion and'upon a <br />vote, it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next considered the request of Mr. William Gordon for <br />paving a:road nearNorthview. The road did not.qualify,for improvement under <br />the present criteria and therefore, _no action was taken. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker.moved that the Division of High- <br />ways of the Department of Transportation be requested to install, guard rails on the <br />approaches to the bridge over Little River *on the Cox Mill Road. Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker seconded the-mot ion and upon ,a vote, it was unanimously <br />adopted. <br />Mr._James Pate;. of Williams & Works; Inc., .appeared before the <br />Board and reviewed and explained a proposal for a technical Assistance Grant for <br />''$33; 750, 00 from the, Economic Development- Administration for an industrial park <br />feasibility and selection study. The Comity's contribution would be $11, 250, 00 of <br />in kind services: Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the proposal be <br />approyed and the Chairman be authorized and directed to'file it on behalf of the <br />County. -Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote, <br />it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr., James Pate reviewed the contract proposed 'by Landmark <br />Engineers, Inc._ and suggested that it be amended to include an option in favor of. <br />the County,to expand the services to include,tax snapping as proposed in the original <br />bid taking, <br />The bills as listed by the County Finance Officer were reviewed and <br />discussed.. The bills were approved for,payment upon motion of Commissioner <br />John E.,` seconded by'Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne, which motion was <br />unanimously, adopted upon a vote., <br />The Chairman announced that the, time for opening the bids for the <br />purchase ob'a pickup truck had'arrived. The bid of Wilford Harris,' Inc., was <br />opened but. not considered because it did not have a bid bond. The,bid of Dowdy <br />Ford,. Inc., was *brought in'but was not. opened because. it. arrived after the time.set <br />out in the advertisement for bids. The bid of Womble- Chevrolet Co., Inc., .was <br />found to be in order and. was for $4, 943.30. The bid'of Womble Chevrolet Co.,. <br />Inc. was, accepted upon motion made,-seconded and unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Rhyne repbrted:on,the condition.of the jail and.reported <br />that horizontal -bars were needed on.the windows,and+-the securityefeatures.need to„be <br />replacedon the doors. He also.reported that,security measuresneeded to be taken <br />at the Courthouse. Commissioner Rhyne stated:he`would'report'back to the :Board <br />when he had prices on the improvements. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker took <br />exception to making.changes at the' jail and,stated that closer supervision was_ <br />needed. Chairman Cooper said the matter could' be.debated, when~Commissioner <br />Rhyne reported his recommendations to the Board; <br />Mr, Garland Fulton, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Lee _ <br />'County Hospital appeared before the.Board and proposed a bond issue of $12.5 <br />million be submitted to the voter's fora new hospital with the bond issue to be <br />repaid:by revenues generated by,the hospital, . The matter was discussed at length, <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the Chairman and Clerk be authorized to <br />initiate the procedures to make application for authority to issue bonds for the <br />construction of anew hospital contingent upon approval of such project by the Capital <br />HS.A. Commissioner John.E. Potterer seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, <br />Messrs. Dotterer, 'Rhyne,. F. Wicker, G. Wicker and Cooper voted for it and no one <br />voted against it.. <br />