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~.p 37 . <br />His recom;nendation.was that Yarborough Brothers Welding; and Machine Shop, <br />be employed to .place horizontal' steel bars on windows indicated in his report,. <br />Gommissioner-Rhyne:moved that $1; 552. 60. be expended from the jail fund for, <br />installation of additional bars,and that the bid of Yarborough Brothers Welding. <br />and Machine Shop be a`cc'epted. Commissioner John-E. Dotterer'seconded, the' " <br />motion, and, upon; Commissioners Dotterer; Rhyne, G.: Wicker and W.' H.' <br />Cooper voted for the motion, and. Conunissioner'Franklin D.. Wicker voted against, it. <br />Commnissioner Gordon.A: Wicker brought up for discussion the possibility <br />of more prisoners being transferred to Lee County:.: Cominissioner John E.:.Dotterer <br />moved that-the Board go on record as approving of and favoring the continuation of . ' z <br />,the concept of an Advancement Center. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded <br />the Motion and upon a vote, it was unanimously, adopted. <br />h. sr, <br />Mr. John-Berndt, Director of Gommunity Planning, Department of Natural; <br />and Economic Resources -appear I ed before the Board.; Mr. Berndt;asked,if;there was• . <br />any interest in the County Planning.Board considering zoning. After-`di'scussion,.' <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the County contract for planning" <br />assistance and that the Planning :Board be directed to complete its study of land use <br />planning 'and then consider`County=wide zoning', . Commi.ssionerFranklin'D. Wicker <br />seconded the _motion`and upon a vote, Comrriissioners`Dotte"rer, Rhyne' F. Wicker <br />and'.W, H. 'Cooper voted for it.and.Commi.ssioner Gordon A.' Wicker.voted against it: ' <br />The roster of active firemen of Cape Fear Rural Fire Department was' <br />presented to.the Board. Gon missioner`Franklin D. Wicker moved-that the list-be <br />certifiedto the-North 'Carolina Fireman',s'Pension Fund as a true land accurate roster <br />of the active-firemen.' Commissioner Clyde Ji'Rhyne seconded the motion; and upon <br />a vote, it,was.unamniously adopted. <br />Commissioner Franklin.D. Wicker moved that the Board goon-record as <br />supporting'the concept of_a 12,02 planning grant'for Regions,J and K, which will allow <br />for a study of the,e.mergency' medical needs'in Regions J and K. Commissioner John <br />E. Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a :vote,' it was unanimously adopted. <br />Comini.ssioner`Clyde J.-Rhyne moved that the Board support-the position ' <br />_of the Lee.,.County Farm Bureau in opposing,House Bill 15.which provides for the. <br />establishm6nt.of a uniforin for-all North.Carolina public'schools.- <br />, <br />Commissioner-John•E. Ddtterer'seconded the'riotion and,upon a vote -it was <br />unanimously adopted..,. The Chairman reminded the Board it had. been invited to meet-with the CCTI <br />Trustees on Wednesday, February 23, 1977. <br />The'letter from rthe'N.'C. Youth,Advisory Council, an agency of the <br />North Carolina Department of -Administration concerning the Yoiuh Legislative <br />Assembly, was referred to the Red reation- Department, <br />I <br />Chairman Cooper reported_on.the landfill'operations and'suggested some <br />changes. The Board.;reviewed specifications fora compactor and also'viewed.a <br />movie on the use-of a''compactor.' ;The Board discussed' purchasing a compactor and <br />"decided-to make provision for such in the next budget. Commissioner Franklin D. <br />Wicker moved that an.additional,•employee be provided for the landfill. The motion <br />was seconded and unanimous ly.adopted upon=a- vote. <br />The:'recommendations of the PersonnerBoard we're considered-on the'subject <br />of annual:leape. After. explanation by Mrs. Beatrice Fields that the Department of <br />Social Service's' employees had been excluded from.ooverage in 1968 but brought <br />'under the`County plan, in 1976; Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the <br />County Personnel. Plan be-amended as follows:. <br />"Annual Leave,or'Vacation <br />"Amount Earned <br />-3 <br />