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BOG" 84w.'775 <br />Commissioner Gordon A..Wicker brought up for discussion the' <br />question of whether governmental"eriaployees, should be-able to bargain collectively., <br />.'After dis`cussiom,,Commissioner Rhyne moved: that the Board go. on record as being. <br />.opposed to .collective. bargaining: by governmental employees. The motion was' duly <br />seconded and:.upon.a,vote it.wasunanimously adopted, <br />Commissioner `JohwE, Dotterer"moved that,the Board authorize <br />William's Works, Engineers'-to advertise for bids for the <br />construction of the ' <br />water and sewer'line's in the Grapevineyard Project. <br />.Mr..Darrell Mullins, of Williams & Works, Inc., operied:the.bids.. <br />for the heating and air-conditioning' systems in the multi-purpose building at San <br />Lee Recreational and Educational'Park. The bids were as follows: <br />Name, Total Base Bid Alternate Total <br />Coggins $ 12,,450.;00 $ 3, 274. 00 15,'724. 00 <br />Miller 12, 999. 00 Z,784.00 15, 783, 00 <br />King 14, 588.00 3,'-018- 00 17, 606. 00 <br />-Mechanical 15,930.,00' 4,.200..00 ;20, 130. 00 <br />H.-& S 16,436.00 465'.00 19, 901.00 <br />Mimms -18, 995.12 31999.48. 22, 883.60 <br />Commissioner Johi E. Dotterer moved that 'the low, bid. of Coggin'. <br />Heating and Air-Conditioning Company be accepted and. the Chairman: and Clerk <br />be auth'or'ized to.-execute a contract on behalf of.the County.',.. Upon a vote, the <br />motion was unanimously adopted: - <br />Chairman Cooper. brought up. the need for <br />at the ranger's, <br />house at`San-Lee-Recreational and Educational Park. .'Upon 'otion made and_duly <br />seconded, it was resolved to authorize the employment of a'guard.% <br />Representative Fletcher Harris appeared before the Board and told <br />them the `cut' for 'local legislation was April 1, .1.977. . <br />The Board discussed.the improvements at the Courthouse. 'Comm= <br />issioner:Gordon-A. Wicker suggested delaying renovating the balcony for a grand <br />jury: room and-making plans fora new wing:o,n_the north side of the building. Comm <br />issioner Clyde J., Rhyne said there was a,present need for a,holding room for <br />prisoners at the Courthouse, Chairman Cooper appointed Commis sioner -Rhyne to <br />be a member of the Courthouse. Committee. <br />`The Board authorized Chairman.Cooper and :Commissioner Franklin ` <br />D. Wicker to `settle the claim for damage to the bulldozer with the insurance <br />carrier. <br />The Clerk read a letter from the Sanford Le el.County.Board of <br />Education asking,thatthe Board take. whatever steps it can to help alleviate the <br />g. <br />traffic congestion on U; S..421 east of Sanford. El # a <br />The Chairman reminded-the.Board they were invited to `a luncheon at <br />the Mental Health Clinic at-12:30'o'' clock p,_ m. Y `lam r' "`~F F _F <br />3 f t _ _ <br />. There being no further 6usine'ss;to come beforethe session, it was <br />adjourned sine.die <br />' "WILLIAM H. COOPER, C41A-IRMAN <br />ENNETH R HOY ; CLERK: _ <br />teH„rY <br />• " _ _ - Y Presented for registration on -,the r5 7--day <br />% of 19/7at7r~3d/9M, <br />record m Book,. Y.... Page .V <br />Pattie W. Mc®ilvary, Reglstor.of Reeds <br />