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1977 - 03-21-77 Regular Meeting
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1977 - 03-21-77 Regular Meeting
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10/30/2009 10:07:44 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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$~y 776 <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING' OF. THE - <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR THE COUNTY <br />..OF LEE, -NORTH CAROLINA % <br />Monday, `March- 21 1977 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for :Lee <br />County,- North Carolina, convened: in the Commissioners Room. on the second <br />floor of the.County Office Buildingi....200 Wicker Street,', Sanford, North Carolina, <br />at 7:00 o'clock p.. m. , on Monday, March 21, 1977. Those present when the <br />meeting opened were Commissioners William. H. Cooper, John E. Dotterer, <br />Clyde J., Rhyne, and Gordon A. .Wicker, Commissioner'FranklinD. Wicker was <br />absent when the meeting opened but joined the meeting-later. <br />Chairman William H. Cooper p-resided and the following business 'was' <br />transacted: <br />3 <br />The meeting was opened by a prayer given by Reverend Bewey Shaver= <br />of Flat Springs Baptist Church.' <br />'The. minutes of the meetings held on February 21 and March 6, 1977, <br />were considered and corrected. As corrected, they were approved and ordered <br />recorded upon motion of Commissioner John. E. Dotterer, seconded by Commissioner <br />Clyde J.' Rhyne, which-motion was unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne reported on various•.road matters. <br />Mr. Billy Ray.Cameron, Coordinator of.Civil Preparedness, appeared <br />before the Board and reported on 'civil preparedness activities in the County. He <br />introduced Mr. Dan3som from the.,North Carolina Civil Preparedness Agency. Mr. <br />Isom presented a program on nuclear. civil preparedness planning. <br />Mr. Beady :Waddell, Mrs. Sharon Wiza, and Mr. Randy Bridges, of <br />the Lee County Department of Social Services, appeared,before the Board and <br />reported. on the child- abuse and neglect program. <br />Mr. Charles Jeffries, President;. Mr. Hal T. Siler, Executive <br />Director;, and Mr. Jerry Almond, -Vice President, of the Sanford Area Chamber <br />of Commerce, appeared before the Board and presented a document'entitled <br />"Preliminary Study-as to the Feasibility of a County Police Force", prepared by <br />Mr. F. M. Nunnally. The Commissioners expressed their appreciation to'the <br />members of the Chamber for their interest in law enforcement and-particularly to <br />Mr. Nunnally for his work incompiling the report. <br />Mr. Jim Coates, Director of the Department of Social Services, <br />appeared before the Board and requested that the Board increase the charge for <br />handling 'cards of food stamps-from 50~ per card'to 80~ per card and to authorize <br />the Chairman to execute a contract on behalf of the County with the local bank <br />reflecting the change. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Board <br />increase. the fee.for -handling food stamp cards to 80r from its former rate of <br />50~ and to authorize the .Chai~rman•to execute agreements with the banks handling the <br />sale of food stamps on behalf of the County. Commissioner. Dotterer seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote it was'unaniinously adopted. <br />
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