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~ ® , B^Gn fg A'c't, l t~® _ <br />The 'Chairman passed out a list of monthly bills as ,p'r'epared by the <br />County Finance Officer and requested members of the Board to,review them, <br />Commissioner'Gordon A. Wicker moved that the 'bill' of William & Works in the <br />amount,of $7.99. 52, for ser'vices'at the 'Lee ;County Courthouse be 'approved.for' <br />payment from'the funds appropriated for the';Maintenance Department and ordered <br />paid.' 'Commissioner John E-. Dotterer seconded the.motiori and upon a vote, it <br />was unanifriously, adopted, <br />In discussing'the work being done at the Courthouse by the Maintenance <br />.Personnel, the question. of ramps at'thefAgricultur`al Bui-I'ding - <br />was brought up and the,Board authorized the"Maintenance;Cr&W to;pe"rfor`mthis work <br />since the County now knows -it will not be funded as a Community Development <br />Project. <br />The-monthly bills as-listed by the County Finance. Officer were . <br />approved`:for payment upon motion of Commi"ssioner:Franklin D, Wicker, which, <br />motion was seconded by. Commissioner. John E. Dotterer and unanimously adopted,. <br />upon a vote. ' <br />Chairman Cooper 'reported to the Board that he was arrange <br />for the construction of public restrooms and a concession stand in the'vicinity o.f <br />the softball fields at O. T. Sloan' Recreational Park. Upon motion of Commissioner <br />Dotterer,; which motion was seconded by Commissioner-- Rhyne, and'unanimou sly <br />adopted, , it was RESOLVED to authorize, the use, of the :County Maintenance Crews in <br />the construction of.the restrooms and concession stand at the O, T.-Sloan Park, and, <br />to' authorize the--Chairman to proceed with said project-if..sufficient contributions were <br />made for the construction of the buildings. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Franklin D.'Wicker,. seconded-by <br />Commissioner Dotterer, which motion was, unanimously, adopted; it was RESOLVED <br />to set the'time and place for the, sitting of the County Board of ERualization -arid <br />Review, ,as'Monday, May'2, 1977,, at 11:00 o'clock p; m„ in the Tax Supervisor's <br />office. <br />The Board next considered the bids received for the'.water and sewer <br />.improvements in.the'Grapevineyar'd section, -The -letter'of Williams Works,' <br />recommending that'the contract be awarded to J. C. Johnson Construe tion.Company <br />for' its low bid of $54, 748.50,'. was read to the Board. - Commissioner Franklin D. <br />Wicker querried:Mr; Elwin-Buchanan if any budgetary changes were necessary in <br />order to fund the bid and Mr. Buchanan assured him that none were required, <br />Commissioner Franklin D.' Wicker then moved that the low bid of J, C. 'Johnson <br />Construction Company, in the.amount of $54,748. 50,, be accepted and that the <br />Chairman and Clerk be. authorized to enter-into.a contract, for the performance of <br />the work; at that figure: Commissioner,Clyde J. Rhyne seconded the motion and <br />upon a roll call vote,. Messrs. Dotterer, Rhyne, F.- Wicker, G. Wicker and Cooper <br />all voted for it and-no *one voted against it: <br />The letter of Mr.IElwin Buchanan,. Grants Director, requesting <br />County funds to defray administrative costs for Grants Administration, was read <br />to the Board. Commissioner John E. Dotterer rrioved that the sum of $2,000.00 <br />be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the General`Fund to the. fund'for <br />Grants Administration to defray the administration costs. Commissioner. Franklin <br />D. Wicker seconded .the motion and. upon.a vote, Messr's,; Dotterer,, F. Wicker,' <br />G. Wicker, Rhyne and Cooper all voted for- it and no one` voted against it. <br />Mr "Elwin Buchanani. Community Development Director, 'appeared <br />before the, Board and presented a copy of a rehabilitation policy which had been <br />developed, by his, staff and approved by the Community Development Council: After <br />