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BGGK $ W4795 <br />The Community Development Council should establish By-Laws <br />that include sections regarding: (a) Purpose, (b) Membership, <br />(c) Term of membership, (d) Voting, (e) Quorum, (f) Election <br />of Officers (g) Duties of Officers, (h) Meeting Dates, (i) <br />Special Meetings, and (j) Amendments to By-Laws. <br />Meetings of the Community Development Council shall be <br />advertised in the Sanford Herald at least one week before <br />the meeting. This advertisement shall state the meeting <br />time, place, and include an outline of agenda topics. It <br />should also include a clear invitation to Lee County citizens <br />to attend the meeting. <br />3. PUBLIC HEARINGS. <br />Two public hearings to obtain the views of citizens on community <br />development and housing needs shall be held prior to the <br />submission of the Community Development Block Grant Preapplication. <br />Notice of the public hearings shall be given once a week for <br />two successive calendar weeks in the Sanford Herald. The <br />second public hearing should occur no earlier than one week <br />from the first. The notice shall be published the first <br />time not less than 7 days nor more than 2S days before <br />the public hearing dates. <br />