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U~VA a. M IMY4V~~ <br />Section 3.` That a- certified'copy.of this,iesolution be <br />furnished to-the fire and rescue service division of the-Depa7rtment <br />of,Insurance,; State of North,Carolina., <br />Commissioner Gordon-A. Wicker seconded the motion- and upon " <br />a"vote, it was unanimously adopted: - <br />Commissioner Dotterer'reported that thejplans,for the -Library are <br />complete and the Library Board would receive.bidson NLay,25th, and~tlie <br />Commissioners:were:invited to attend,.; <br />Commissioner Rhyne moved'to•amendfihe budget to show anti^ <br />recession,revenue-of-$7;'597."00 in the General,Fund'to' be used-for Sheriff's ' <br />Department. ' arie lieu of General Fund,. e venue;; Commissioner Dotte'rer <br />seconded'.the motromand'upon avote,,Messrs, Dotterer, Rhyne, F.'. Wicker, G. <br />Wicker and Cooper all voted for pit and no one.voted,against it <br />Commissioner'Gordon A. Wicker moved to appropriate the'sum'of j <br />.$z, 000.00;'from the'unappropriated;.surplus,in the General-Fund to ;the:.C6mrnunity <br />Development Budgetairie item_Te' X,C. D. portion-P] Eleven. Commiss <br />Toner Rhyne secondedithe moti.ein':and.upon a vote, Mes'§rs, Dotterer,,. Rhyne,.,F.' <br />Wicker,'G. Wicker and Goope`r all-voted for'it and no:ofie voted`against it. <br />At the;diiection of'the; Chairman, the Clerk read a letter from the, - <br />Triangle JCouncil of Governrnents• setting out that there would be a drastic budget <br />cut in LEAA Funds next year under proposals presently'apendingiin Congress.. The <br />COG recommended all 16cal-officials' contact'their,_Congre,ssional Representatives <br />to express themselves on4this matter. ; <br />At 10.30, the Board declareda'public hearing to be open to public to consider arne'ndment-of the Cornmunity?Developmexit.budget.`,Mr..Elwin'.. <br />Buchanan was' recognized and.he explained the purpose of the, public hearing the <br />proposed budgetary amendment: Following"Mi. 'Buchanan!s_ presentation, the <br />floor was 'J~pen for discussion by the,,public ,but there were no- participants; either. <br />"pro" or•°"con;:. Upon rncvtion of C6rimissioner_Franklin-D. Wicker,, duly - <br />seconded;by C'ommissioner'Dottererwhich motioirwas unanimouslyadopted, <br />it was resolved to'close the public. hearing:' Cormnis;sioner Franklin-D. Wicker <br />then moved that the sum of $3,•000;00 be transferred from the-Contingency, Fund:: . <br />' <br />and. $2, 000. 00 !be transfe'rred.from the Rehabilitation Fund to.the Line Item 14, <br />Administration, "within-the Community Development budget., ,Commissioncr-Dotterer- <br />seconded the•motion`.and upon ,6. votes Commissioners'Dotterer, Rhyne, <br />F. Wicker, G; Wcker'and Cooper allvotedfor it and no one voted at it; gains " <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan,'_.Directo,r, appeared'before the,Board and gave., <br />a report,on.CommunitykDevelopment"activities; <br />Commissioner;,Gordon„W.rcker,iiioved tIMadoption ofltfie resolution , <br />concerning citizen participation in'the Community Development: Block Grant Pro- <br />graxin, a copy of Which is attached to these minutes an_ d~by this'reference made a <br />part hereof.' Commissioner Franklin=D .Wi. kertsecoiide&the,motion and upon a <br />vote, it was unanimously adopted <br />The meeting was'redessed and"reconvened at l'0 48. <br />Mr. Kenneth Brinson, Superintendent of. the Lee County, Schools, <br />appeared- be"fore the Board and presented a budget request for the coming year <br />Mr ErnestAtkinson appeared-:before the Board and requested <br />an additionai•appropriaUon in the. amount.of'$42, 586. 0O, ,because of increased <br />utility expenses during,'the pasf.year._, After discussion,l Commissioner Dotterer " <br />moved.that the sum of $42, 586.00.bel appropriated from UnappropriatedFunds <br />- <br />