<br />%
<br />Mr. James Coates, Director, of Social Services, appeared before"'
<br />the.Board' and reported that the State Department of S•ocial.Services' had dis=
<br />approved, the budget request he had prepared and upon which the Commissioners
<br />had agreed 'iipon, He reported those areas iii which'the;State had recommended.
<br />increases' ind requested that the Cornmissioners consider these additions-in making
<br />up their final budget appropriation for the Welfare Department
<br />The written monthly,- reports of the Sheriff, Tax Collector,.Agrieul=
<br />tural Extension Department and otfier County'Agencies'were distributed to the.
<br />members of the Board.
<br />Mr. Elwin "Buchanan and Mr ,tEdward M Fleis, o Williams, and,
<br />Worksappeared before the -Boa :0 Mr°F eis recommended -that R. & B,
<br />Contracting Associates, Inc,, .of Route 1,i,Box 128,. Princeton„ North Carolina.
<br />'be approved as asub -contractor Wilkerson &3Company,i on the Lyons'
<br />Bottom. project. r _ } ta+}: j tp }
<br />Commis.sioner•Gordon A Wicker moved, that, such approval` be '
<br />given, ;Commissioner Dotterer seconded the, inotior and upon a vote; it was
<br />unanimously adopted. Mr' _Fleis`.reported'that they'-,hadved a! request'
<br />for a change order on the L"yons" Bottom project from J.,.F, Wilkerson ''Contracting '
<br />Company to increase the-unit, price" from $20;,00 per cubic '.yard to $45, 00 per'.:
<br />cubic yard; "for rock'.' excavation 'Mr.• Fleisyre'ad^tto'•.the'Board his-le`tter of June:":' ,
<br />6,',197?i irs"which.he'outlined-!As_,reasons why such change ordei'should not
<br />be approved: ' This matter :was.received for information and no' action'.was taken,
<br />Mr„ E'lwin•Buchanan."r.eviewed`the various Community Action
<br />projects and reported"on their "status
<br />Mr Robert. Bracken of Williams and. Work s, appeared before the,
<br />Board and requested that a change-order be: approved_,.m*the amount of'$2, 600; 00
<br />for 'correction in the lift site location: $1, 100 00'was toradd two .feet to'the
<br />entrance tube at the lift station, aiid' $1, 500;;00 was'to;add two feet: to the-wet well -
<br />and -raising•the,fill area.arbund'the'lift station; Commissioner'C1yde.J. Rhyne
<br />`moved that the proper o£fi`cers be authorized to'execu. a changer-order in the
<br />amount'of $2,600, 00 with Blue Contracting Company, in`a'ccordance with the
<br />request outlined by, the. Company's engineers: andthatj,he funds'for`such increase:,. -
<br />be'taken from bond funds and grant funds; 'Comm issioner;Dotterer seconded the
<br />motion and upon a:vote, Messrs, DottererRhyne G Wicker and F;• Wicker all
<br />voted for it and no one ysted against it.
<br />The'Board=next considered recommendations of Williams axid Works
<br />that a:.change order lie :authorized'for'the Gr'apeveyard `s"ewer and water improve
<br />, the amount. $340. 00: "'This change, order 'covered' eight different items
<br />and provided for,'de.creases,in'the .amount`6f$3,080,.00andJncrea9esdn th6.amount
<br />of $3,..420,-00 or increase, of`:$340. 00 in the contract with J. 11 C.;Johnson
<br />.Company. Commissioner' Rhyne;'moved'thatcthe proper officers be authorized
<br />to.execute the change 'ord'er,.-Commis'sidner Dotterer seconded thesmotion and upon
<br />a roll• call, vote," Messrs,. •Dotterer,, Rhyne`i G. Wicker and F Wicker,' all v,'~ ed
<br />for :it and no orie voted'_against it'
<br />,
<br />Mr,'Darrell,Mullins.appeased'beforeithe-Board.and "reported that
<br />the heating and air-conditioxiing-plans for various offices at.the,Courthouse were-:
<br />a
<br />ready. Upon motion of Commissioner Gord`on'A..Wicker, which -motion was
<br />'dulys.eoonded and unanimously'adopted, the-.Board authorized Mr." Mullins to ' "
<br />addertise forbids for consideration by':the Board onahe third Monday iii7une.
<br />'Mr.", Orton J. Cameron Chairman of The Lee County.Industrial
<br />Facilities and'Pollution Control Financing Authority',appe'ared before the County
<br />Board-'and advised:the`County.;'Board of the"..Authority's intention to-issue industrial
<br />development revenue bonds to.adquire;' construct and equip-industrial facilities for
<br />the manufacture of hand tools in the County :for Litton IndustrialProducts, Inc.;
<br />