<br />BQOK . PAU I V .
<br />Commissioner. Rhyne seconded the.motion'aind upon a'roll`call vote,;Iyfessrs;
<br />Dotterer, Rhyne, Frank Wicker and; Gordoh,Wicker and Cooper all voted for, it
<br />and no one voted against;it.:•.
<br />Mr. Darrell Mullins, of Williams and Works, Architects,, then
<br />.requested permission from the Board to advertise for bids for the installation
<br />of carpeting. and tile, ceiarnic_and quarry tile and acoustical ceiling and -instillation
<br />in the Multi:Purpose Center at the San-Lee ;Recreation and Educational Park;
<br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that Williams-and Works be authorized
<br />to advertise for bids on such .work., 'Commissioner Rhyne seconded the motion and upon
<br />a vote it was. unanimously-adopted.
<br />The Chairman'asked the Board what its pleasure was as to.the dispositioi
<br />of the title to the property where the.Community Development building is located
<br />in Broadway. 'Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that the Board deed. the
<br />property to the Town of Broadway in such fashion that if the property should cease
<br />to be used for Community_Development purposes; in accordance with the. grant`
<br />.used to construct the. building, that the property reverttto1:he! County, -,Commissioner
<br />Rhyne seconded, the, motion and upon a roll call vote, Mes's'rs': Dotte'rer,.Rhyne,
<br />Frank Wicker, Gordon Wicker and Cooper all-voted for it and no one voted against
<br />it. .
<br />Chairman Cooper brought{ep for corisderattion what shoirld'be done
<br />about the lease-purchase, contract executed by'.the Community ,Development Program
<br />Director on the oldsmobile automobile, After discussion about the.County's possible
<br />-liability upon the contract and the, loss to be sustained by cancellingYthe;contract, I i.
<br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved-the County purchase'the,;automobile for.`.
<br />the balance outstanding upon said contract and that the funds be appropriated from
<br />the unappropriated surplus in the General Fundito the Co_mm_is'sioners'travel fund,
<br />for such purpose. Commissioner Dotterer s'econdeCthe motion and upon a roll call
<br />vote, Messrs, Dotterer, Rhyne,,;Frank Wickery'Gordon Wicker and Cooper all voted
<br />for it and.no`one voted against it, `
<br />Chairman Cooper 'called attention to the Board that the City would[ soon
<br />be vacating its_Fire Station'No. 2 located' on Horner Boulevard near the County Jail,
<br />He stated that the property would make an excellent' site for the Ambulance operations
<br />and the Board authorized the, appointment of Chairman Cooper and Commissioner -
<br />Gordon A-, Wicker as a committee to negotiate with the City for the acquisition of
<br />such site.
<br />The Chairman announced that the time -for'the hearing on the budget
<br />'had arrived and upon motion made, duly seconded and'unaiiimously adopted, the
<br />public hearing on the budget was declared open. The first person recognized was
<br />Mr. Jim Coates,. Director of. the Department.of Social"Services, 'who'requested
<br />that the Board allow intra-fund transfers' to allow $3,-000, 00 in salaries in his
<br />budget in order that he might make some step increases and prorriotions based upon,
<br />merit for personnel. Mr. Robert W. Dalrymple, Chairman of the Sanford-Lee County
<br />Board of Education, appeared before the Board and spoke and'requested $97, 000. 00
<br />in additional funds. There was an extensive discussion about supplements. After
<br />these discussions, the Board announced it would take--a recess for five minutes,
<br />however,'-Mr. W. E. Horner, Sr., requested'permis's'ion to speak before the recess.
<br />Mr. Horner then requested that if.and when the Board called fora bond election on a
<br />new County Hospital,. for such twelve'or thirteen million dollars, that they provide
<br />an alternative proposition authorizing five, or six million'. dollars for improvements to
<br />the present hospital location, Mr; Horner did not comment upon-the budget and follow-
<br />ing the end. of his remarks, re-announced and took ajiveI -minute recess:•,.Following
<br />the recess, the Board re-assembled and the Chairman called, the meeting to order.
<br />