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r) <br />00 <br />® The current zoning district (Residential Agricultural) is intended for very low-density residential and <br />agricultural uses with a minimum lot size of 40,000 square feet. Land uses in this district are <br />primarily agrarian and rural. The RA district requires a minimum building setback of 30 feet from <br />any street right-of-way, 30 feet from a rear property line, and 15 feet from all side property lines. <br />The proposed zoning district (Highway Commercial-HC) is established to accommodate uses that <br />depend upon a large flow of traffic and convenient access, such as retailing of durable goods, the <br />provision of commercial services to industrial areas, and the provision of services to tourists. The <br />minimum dimensional standards in the HC district include a lot width of 50 feet, a front yard <br />setback of 10 feet, and 0 rear and side yard setbacks. <br />Transportation <br />The majority of Lee County's commercial establishments are located along U. S. Highway 1 South, a <br />major thoroughfare. The Highway Commercial (HC district is generally located adjacent to major <br />thoroughfares. 1V4ajor thoroughfares typically serve through travel and external travel into major <br />industrial, commercial, recreational, and institutional attractions. The 1994 Sanford Thoroughfare <br />Plan Technical Report notes that US #1 is a principal arterial passing through central North <br />Carolina and connecting Rockingham, Southern Pines, and Sanford to Raleigh. <br />The NCDOT 2007 Traffic Study reports 24,000 vehicle trips per day just south of the subject lot. <br />Environmental <br />The subject lot is not located in a water supply watershed or flood hazard area. <br />Development Standards <br />If rezoned, all uses permitted in the Highway Commercial (HC)) district will be allowed. Also if <br />rezoned, the future redevelopment of the site may be required to meet the building design standards <br />for non-residential developments along a thoroughfare in addition to all other development <br />standards of the Unified Development Ordinance. <br />Conformance with the 2020 Land Use Plan and the Greenwood Small Area Plan <br />The 2020 Land Use Plan and Greenwood Small Area Plan and Map have classified this property <br />within the Highway Commercial classification with a Highway Overlay. The Highway Commercial <br />classification is intended to provide areas for goods and services to be sold on-site. The Highway <br />Overlay adds additional design standards for non-residential developments that has direct frontage <br />on a major highway corridor/ thoroughfare. The purpose of the overlay district is to provide a <br />regulatory tool that will assist in ensuring that future development and/or redevelopments that may <br />occur along thoroughfares maintains a minimum level of quality in design. The design standards are <br />found in Article 10.7 of the Unified Development Ordnance. Rezoning this property to Highway <br />Commercial would conform to the 2020 Land Use Plan and the Greenwood Small Area Plan. <br />E <br />