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any area defaced by the graffiti more extensively than where the graffiti itself is located and shall <br />not be required to restore the area where the graffiti is removed to the area's original condition <br />(i.e., exact color, textures, ctc.). <br />Penalties and remedies. <br />(a) A violation of any provision of this article shall subject the offender to a civil penalty ol'one <br />hundred dollars ($100.00). If the offender fails to pay this penalty within ten (10) days after <br />being cited for a violation, the town may seek to recover the penalty by filing a civil action in the <br />nature of a debt. <br />(b) The town may seek to enforce this article through any appropriate equitable action. <br />(c) Each day that a violation continues after the offender has been notified of the violation shall <br />constitute a separate violation. <br />(d) The town may seek to enforce this article by using any one or a combination of the <br />foregoing remedies. <br />• <br />0 <br />