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Agenda Package - 05-18-09
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Agenda Package - 05-18-09
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Last modified
10/28/2009 3:10:31 PM
Creation date
10/28/2009 3:06:31 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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068 <br />® property to remain defaced with graffiti for a period of 15 days after service by first class <br />mail of notice of the defacement. <br />(c) Rernovol by city. If the property owner fails to remove the graffiti, the city is <br />authorized to enter upon private or public property for the purpose of graffiti removal or <br />remediation. The city shall seek consent from the property owner before entering private <br />property. Failure of the owner to remove the graffiti or to give consent for the city to <br />remove the graffiti, shall result in the city removing the graffiti and summarily abating <br />the nuisance, and shall subject the owner to a penalty of $100.00, to be recovered by the <br />city, if not paid within 15 days of issuance of a citation, in a civil action in the nature of <br />debt. <br />(Ord. No. 2006-20, § V, 5-2-2006) <br />Sec. 26-76. Appeals. <br />The property owner or party responsible for maintenance of the property who fails to <br />remove graffiti or give consent to the city to remove graffiti and is assessed a civil <br />penalty of $100.00 under subsection 26-75(c) above, may appeal the assessment to the <br />city manager or his designee by giving written notice of appeal stating the reasons <br />therefore within seven days of assessment of the penalty. Within ten days of the decision <br />of the city manager or his designee, written notice of appeal may be sent to thehousing <br />board of appeals for determination of whether the penalty shall stand or be overturned, <br />but shall not otherwise be appealed. <br />(Ord. No. 2006-20, § VI, 5-2-2006) <br />® Sec. 26-77. Enforcement. <br />(a) Conviction. In accordance with section 1-7 of the Sanford City Code, each violation <br />of section 26-73 shall constitute a misdemeanor, except as otherwise provided by statute, <br />and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500.00 or imprisonment of a term not <br />exceeding 30 days. <br />(b) Restitution. In addition to any punishment imposed, the court may order any person <br />convicted of a violation of this article to make restitution to the victim or entity which <br />remechated the graffiti for damages or loss caused directly or indirectly by the violator's <br />offense in the amount or manner determined by the court. The court may determine the <br />amount, terms and conditions of the restitution. In the case of a minor, the parents or <br />legal guardian shall be ordered jointly and severally liable with the minor to make <br />restitution. <br />(c) Comtnun y service. In lieu of; or as a part of, the penalties specified in this section, <br />a minor or adult may be required to perform community service as described by the court <br />- <br />Reasonable effort shall be made to assign the minor or adult to a type of community <br />service that is reasonably expected to have the most rehabilitative effect on the minor or <br />adult, including community service that involves graffiti removal. <br />
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