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l,reating A huture Fetter ".lob Shat" Page 2 of5 Industrial Revolution and is out of sync with today's technological and 056 <br />3::c.k ~ ~ ti-Lee; Hear <br />Pa~~c <br />D tiuF>cribe in , rcacer <br />economic forces. Job losses continued after the end of the last recession <br />Jobs are not disappearing because of the move off shore where new <br />production capitalizes on information in the hands of workers with no <br />preconceived ideas. Usually as few as a couple of hundred jobs are gained <br />when production moves overseas for every 1,000 jobs lost here. <br />0 <br />The reality is much more troubling, for what is disappearing today is <br />not just a certain number of jobs, or jobs in certain industries, or jobs <br />in certain parts of the country--or even jobs only in America as a <br />whole. What is disappearing is the very thing itself--the job --Job <br />Shift, page vii (Click liere to ±I~ mb thiauch ;he book) <br />We are no longer isolated from the increasing rate of change because of the <br />rapidly accelerating pace at which knowledge is growing and how <br />universally and quickly it can be transmitted. This is represented by one of <br />the videos "Did You Know" below; which in one version or the other has <br />been seen by over 4,000,000 people. The other makes an interesting <br />response "Yes We Know". To understand where all those jobs have really <br />gone we need to understand how work is changing today and what it is <br />doing to those jobs." (Read the Fortune Article)You can preview the book, <br />Job Shift, by William Bridges if you have a Google Account. (chcl< tr, s; <br />as a Goodie 1:9-amber) <br />The next post will have a video responding on the state of education in a <br />changing world. <br />littp:// <br />5/8/2009 <br />