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G"7 <br />Committed Today fora B,e~fer Tomorrow <br />Memorandum <br />Date: April 8, 2009 <br />To: John Crumpton <br />Lee County Manager <br />From: Bre tts <br />Dirg o DSS <br />Subject: Budget Amendment For New Revenue <br />® Attached you will find a budget amendment increasing the Adult Day Care revenue line <br />item (3532-34584) in the amount of $1,384. The corresponding expense line item for <br />Adult Day Care (5312-47100) is also being increased by $1,581. The line items being <br />adjusted would not come to an exact match because in this program the county is <br />reimbursed 87.5% of the total expenditure. The amendment is due to the funding <br />authorization being increased over what the state had originally estimated that our county <br />would receive in funding. <br />Please advise if you have any questions. <br />cc: L. Minter <br />Administration <br />File <br />E <br />