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C'i <br />® TERM OF OFFICE <br />A. The initial Board shall be comprised of five persons who shall be appointed <br />to the following terns of off-ice, to-wit: <br />1 member for a term of one year. <br />2 members for a term of two years. <br />2 members for a term of three years. <br />B. Alternates shall be appointed for a term of three years <br />C. Reappointment or new appointments shall be made as the various terms of <br />the initial incumbent members and alternates expire fora term of three years. <br />D_ if a vacancy occurs before an alternates or incumbent member's term <br />expires, then the appointment of a successor shall be for the unexpired term <br />of the member vacating his or her position. <br />POWERS AND DUTIES <br />A. The powers and duties of this board shall be as specified in N. C_ General <br />Statute § 105-322 and Article 21 of the Machinery Act. <br />is B. The power and duty of the Board of Commissioners to adjust, settle, or <br />compromise tax billings and receipts issued and delivered to the tax <br />collector pursuant to the provisions of N. C_ General Statute §105-312 is <br />hereby delegated to the Lee County Board of Equalization and Review. <br />CLERK TO THE BOARD AND MINUTES <br />The Tax Administrator shall serve as clerk to the board and attend all <br />meetings of the board. In his absence, the Assistant Tax Administrator shall serve <br />as clerk to the board. <br />STAFF ASSIST ANCE <br />The board may call upon the Tax Administrator or any member of his <br />staff, including the mapping personnel, as well as the county attorney for <br />assistance as needed. <br />COMPENSATION <br />Members of this board shall be compensated at the rate of S 15.00 per hour <br />or fraction thereof. <br />