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661 <br />denied to employees who fail to return a complete and sufficient certification after <br />• being given seven (7) days to resubmit. <br />D. Where the County has reason to doubt the validity of the certification, the County <br />may require the employee to get the opinion of a second provider designated or <br />approved by the County at the County's costs. Where the second opinion differs <br />from the opinion in the original certification provided, the employee must obtain a <br />certification of a third provider designated or approved jointly by the County and <br />the employee. The third opinion is final and is binding on the County and the <br />employee. <br />E. If the employee submits a complete and sufficient certification signed by the <br />healthcare provider, the County may not request additional information from the <br />healthcare provider (§825.307). However, the County may contact the health <br />care provider for purposes of clarification and authentication of the medical <br />certification or recertification after the County has given the employee an <br />opportunity to cure any deficiencies as set forth in §825.305 (c). The County <br />Manager must approve the contact of any health care provider. <br />E. The County can ask for recertification (normally no more frequently than every 30 <br />days). Recertification may only be required when employees are taking leave for <br />• their own serious health condition. <br />3.5 Employment and Benefits Protection: <br />A. Reinstatement: The employee shall be reinstated to the same position held <br />when the leave began or one of like pay grade, pay, benefits, and other <br />conditions of employment. The County may require the employee to report at <br />reasonable intervals to the employer on the employee's status and intention to <br />return to work. The County will require that an employee who has been on FMLA <br />leave because of the employee's own serious health condition return a fitness- <br />for-duty certification before returning to work. The County will require that a <br />health care provider certify the employee's ability to perform his or her essential <br />job duties. <br />The County is not required to continue FMLA leave or to return a person to work <br />if the employee would have been terminated had they continued to work <br />(Example: employee's position eliminated as part of a restructuring or a reduction <br />in force action). <br />B. Benefits: The employee shall be reinstated without loss of benefits accrued <br />• when the leave began. Sick and vacation paid time will continue to accrue during <br />17-4 Family and Medical Leave 7 <br />