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r rl <br />D. Absence from work because of a contagious disease. <br />• Where a supervisor has a reason to believe an employee may be abusing sick time <br />privileges, the employee shall first be advised in person that a medical certificate may <br />be required for each subsequent absence for which sick time is requested. If the <br />employee's time pattern does not improve, the employee shall be advised in writing by <br />the supervisor that all subsequent requests for sick time must be supported by a <br />medical certificate. <br />In those instances where a medical certificate is required, the employee generally will <br />have two days after returning to work to supply the certificate. The employee's refusal <br />to comply may be grounds for denying sick time and for charging the employee with <br />vacation time or leave without pay in accordance with County policy. Claiming sick time <br />when physically fit or other misuse of sick time, shall be cause for disciplinary action. <br />4.0 APPENDIX / APPENDICES <br />None. <br />• <br />0 <br />F-2 Sick Time 5 <br />