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• 3.3 When Sick Time May Be Taken: <br />A. Sick time is a benefit granted to an employee on account of his/her own sickness <br />or injury. Sick time may also be granted to an employee in the event of the death <br />or serious illness of a member of the immediate or other family (as defined <br />above). Normally, a maximum of three (3) days may be used if it is an immediate <br />family member or two (2) days if it is any other family member. The Department <br />Director may grant additional time for exceptional circumstances. <br />In extreme life threatening situations or where a major illness requires an <br />immediate family member to be treated outside of the local geographic area <br />where commuting is not possible or where our employee's presence is necessary <br />to provide care, the amount of sick time that can be used may be extended. This <br />shall apply to immediate family members only, must be recommended by the <br />Department Director, and approved by the Human Resources Director. <br />When an employee uses his/her sick time for an event that is covered under the <br />Family Medical and Leave Act (FMLA), the time that is charged to sick time will <br />reduce the employee's twelve (12) week entitlement under FMLA. <br />• B. Sick time can be used in fifteen (15) minute increments. <br />C. Employees shall exhaust compensatory time before taking sick time. <br />D. For sickness or bodily injury that prevents the employee from performing his or <br />her regular duties or for time off due to the illness of a spouse, child (including <br />step relationships) or parent. Sick time may not be used to care for healthy <br />children when the regular caregiver is sick. <br />E. Required medical or dental appointments for employee, spouse or child under <br />the age of eighteen unless physically or mentally handicapped (including step <br />relationships) or parent. <br />F. The actual period of temporary disability, normally six (6) weeks, caused or <br />contributed to by pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, or recovery there from. A <br />doctor's certificate is required to verify the employee's period of temporary <br />disability for these reasons. <br />G. Exposure to a contagious disease when continuing work might jeopardize the <br />health of others. <br />• <br />F-2 Sick Time 3 <br />