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6119 <br />3.0 PROCEDURE/ RULE <br />• 3.1 Sick Time Accrual: <br />A. Sick time shall be accrued by each benefited employee of the County on the 15` <br />and 15th of each month. In order to earn sick time, an employee must have at <br />least eight (8) paid hours fifteen (15) days prior to the payroll accrual date. <br />B. Sick time accrual for the first month of employment starts accruing fifteen (15) <br />days from the date of hire. <br />C. Any vacation time balance in excess of 240 hours on December 31st of each <br />calendar year will be converted to sick time. <br />D. Any new employee, who is employed by the County of Lee in a benefited position <br />and who comes to the County directly from a local or state government <br />organization covered by the North Carolina Local Governmental Retirement <br />System (or compatible state administered systems), may have his/her sick time <br />balance transferred to the County. <br />1. The employee is responsible for requesting the transfer and solely <br />responsible for obtaining a certification of the prior sick time balance from <br />• the former employer and submitting it to the Human Resources <br />Department within six (6) months of employment. This certification should <br />include (1) the final unused sick time balance and (2) the dates of covered <br />employment with the other organization. <br />2. Upon beginning employment with the County and upon receipt of <br />appropriate verification of transferable sick time, the employee will be <br />credited with his/her prior sick time balance at the completion of his/her <br />probationary period with Lee County. <br />3.2 Proration of Sick Time: Time earned by benefited employees having a workweek with <br />greater or fewer hours than the basic workweek shall be determined in accordance with <br />the following formula: <br />A. The number of hours worked by such employees shall be divided by the number <br />of hours in the basic workweek. <br />B. The proportion obtained in Step A shall be multiplied by the number of hours of <br />time earned annually by employees working the basic work- week. <br />C. As of the effective date of this policy (4/27/2008) employees hired into positions <br />• working less than twenty (20) hours will no longer accrue sick time. <br />F-2 Sick Time 2 <br />