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Ct04 <br />is The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously <br />The Board considered six applications that had been submitted to fill the unexpired vacancy when <br />Commissioner Doc Oldham was elected Commissioner. Based on applications received, <br />Commissioner Shook nominated Mr. Worth Pickard- Commissioner Reives nominated Mr. Tim <br />Sloan. With no other nominations submitted, Chairman Hayes closed the nominations. Upon a <br />vote, Mr. Pickard received the following votes: <br />Aye: Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Paschal, and Shook <br />Mr. Sloan received the following votes: <br />Aye: Dalrymple and Reives <br />Chairman Hayes stated that Mr. Worth Pickard was selected to serve the unexpired term on <br />the Lee County Fire Advisory Board through June 2010. <br />Health Director Howard Surface presented the 2008 State of the County Report. Mr. <br />Surface stated all local health departments are required to complete a Community Health <br />Assessment every four years and a State of the Count eport. The State of the County Report <br />is published each year except in the year a Communit ealth Assessment is prepared. The <br />report provides the most current data highlighting iAnty de ographics for such things as leading <br />causes of death, access to health care, chro disease mortality, communicable disease <br />• <br />V <br />resented a BRAC update and stated that funding for new <br />schools has been identified as the number one priority. No action was taken. <br />County Manager John Crumpton discussed the closure of the County C & D Landfill. No <br />action was taken. <br />incidence, maternal and child health, injury, Ithy Behaviors and environmental health. It was <br />. It was also noted the a ge en pregnancy rate (in Lee County) has been <br />noted and prevention that ntion teen measures. pregnancy in No a Lee on s County hataken. aged 48 percent higher than the State rate <br />approximately 96 per 1,000 females to 19 since 2002. Mr. Surface stated that public <br />health, along with other local age 'es, e working to address this problem through education <br />since County 2002nty Manager John Crumpton p <br />Commissioner Reives moved to open the floor for discussion concerning the 911 issue <br />between the City of Sanford and Lee County after Commissioner Shook brought the matter up <br />under Commissioner Comments. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously and the floor was open for <br />discussion. <br />County Manager John Crumpton stated that for the past 10-months he has been trying to <br />work with the City to obtain a signed agreement for 911 services. With new State Legislation that <br />• became effective January 1, 2008, changes were made as to how the 911 Board operated. <br />Under the new rules the 911 Board can only disburse funds to the Primary Public Answering Point <br />3 <br />