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G4f; <br />transferred to sick time. No more than 240 hours of vacation can be carried <br />forward to January 151 of the next calendar year. <br />Employees are cautioned not to retain excess accumulation of vacation until late <br />in the calendar year with the intention of using such vacation during the last few <br />months of the year. Due to the necessity of keeping all County functions in <br />operation, large numbers of employees cannot be granted vacation at any one <br />time. If an employee has excess vacation accumulation during the latter part of <br />the year and is unable to take such vacation because of staffing demands, the <br />employee shall receive no special consideration either in having the vacation <br />scheduled or in receiving any exception to the maximum accumulation rule. <br />D. Within these rules, the timing and amount of vacation taken for any employee <br />shall be subject to approval of an authorized supervisor within departments. <br />E. Vacation may be taken in fifteen (15) minute increments. Employees who are <br />sick while on vacation may not change days marked vacation to sick time. In <br />order to take vacation, an employee must submit a time off request in advance of <br />the vacation and have the request approved. Approval shall be based on the <br />operating requirements of the department. <br />F. Employees shall exhaust compensatory time before taking vacation time. <br />G. In no instance shall an employee be paid for vacation while continuing in a duty <br />status, or in lieu of vacation, except under the provisions established for <br />termination. <br />H. Upon termination, an employee will be paid in a lump sum for vacation accrued <br />but not taken provided that required notice is worked (pursuant to policy H-4). <br />No more than 240 hours will be paid to any employee at termination. <br />Vacation earned for the last month of employment is based on the date of <br />termination (completion of less than half the month no accrual of vacation for <br />that month, completion of at least half the month full vacation accrual for the <br />month). The last day actually worked shall be considered the last day of <br />employment. An employee may not use vacation or compensatory time to extend <br />duty status at the end of the individual's employment with the County. <br />When an employee uses his/her vacation for an event that is covered under the <br />Family Medical and Leave Act (FMLA), the time that is charged to vacation will <br />reduce the employee's twelve (12) week entitlement under FMLA. <br />J. Any employee who separates in good standing and is reinstated within one (1) <br />• year may receive credit for previous service for the purpose of accruing vacation. <br />F-1 Vacation 3 <br />